Civic Synergy

Civic Synergy, a student-led organization focused on political depolarization, is looking for participants ages 18-30 to join in discussions about some of the most critical issues facing America today. From early October to mid-November of 2022, participants will engage in six sessions focused on a topic of their selection (education, energy security, and strengthening our republic) that include brief, informative, and inspiring talks. Those talks are then followed by facilitated cross-partisan discussions aimed at generating solutions. Through the program, participants will not only discuss pragmatic policy proposals that they can present to members of think tanks, Congress, and other organizations but will build the toolkit to have productive conversations with those across the aisle.

The Fall 2022 program cohorts will meet at the following times:

Education: Tuesdays: Oct 4, 11, 18, 25; Nov 1, 8 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM ET

Energy security: Wednesdays: Oct 5, 12, 19, 26; Nov 2, 9 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM ET

Strengthening our republic: Thursdays: Oct 6, 13, 20, 27; Nov 3, 10 @ 7 PM – 8:30 PM ET

Interested students can apply here!

If you are interested in becoming a campus ambassador for the program, please fill out this interest form!

Additional information about Civic Synergy can be found on their website and Instagram page. The deadline for applicants will be September 25th @ 11:59 PM ET.