Professor: Ahmed Louri
Department: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Title: High-performance, Power-efficient, and Reliable Computer Architecture
Description: High performance computing architectures and technologies
(HPCAT) lab, led by Prof. Ahmed Louri, is a world-class research laboratory.
HPCAT lab investigates novel parallel computer architectures and technologies
which deliver high reliability, high performance, and energy-efficient
solutions to important application domains and societal needs. The research
has far-reaching impacts on the computing industry and society at large.
Current research projects include: (1) the use of machine learning techniques
for designing energy-efficient, reliable multicore architectures, (2)
scalable accelerator-rich reconfigurable heterogeneous architectures, (3)
emerging interconnect technologies (photonic, wireless, RF, hybrid) for
network-on-chips (NoCs) & embedded systems, (4) future parallel computing
models and architectures including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Deep
Neural Networks (DNNs), near data computing, approximate computing, and (5)
cloud and edge computing.
Duties: A research assistant is expected, on a routine basis, to be able to:
(1) perform administrative and research tasks under the direction of faculty
member or senior research assistants;
(2) assist with experiments, simulations, and coding;
(3) perform literature searches, review content, and prepare written
(4) prepare drafts for articles, reports, or presentations.
Time commitment: 10 or more hours per week (average)
Credit hour option*: 0
Number of openings: 3
Submit Cover Letter/Resume to:
*If credit is sought, all registration deadlines and requirements must be
met. Students selected to be research assistants should contact Brianna
Crayton ( whether they intend to pursue credit or not.