Note: an earlier version of this post stated that the dinner would take place on 12/4. This is incorrect, the dinner is on 12/11, from 5-7 PM.

Dear UHPers, the end of the semester is nigh. I know, it seems unbelievable. But here it is. The exams, the papers, the presentations…it can all seem like too much.
But fear not! Fortunately for us UHPers, semester’s end also marks the arrival of the always-anticipated Student Faculty Dinner. Join us on Wednesday, December 11th from 5pm to 7pm at Chalin’s Chinese to gorge on Crab Rangoons and other delectable treats. Tickets are $7 – that’s cheaper than Chipotle, even without the guac! For less than the cost of a burrito, you can enjoy mountains of Chinese food and stimulating conversation with your favorite students, faculty and staff of the UHP. A win-win situation!

Tickets will be on sale beginning THIS Wednesday, 11/20, in the UHP Townhouse. In order to get a ticket, you will need to come to the Townhouse and give us $7 in cash. Tickets will be on sale until 4 PM on Wednesday, 12/11 – if you plan to attend, PLEASE make sure you sign up! We want to give the folks at Chalins the best number of attendees we can. Will you still be able to purchase your ticket at the door? Yes. But will your doing so make me sad inside? Absolutely.
This year, we’re also adding a new element to the dinner – students will be able to invite their own favorite non-UHP professor along with them! This isn’t required, but if you’d like to bring someone along, you can print out or send them the invitation at the bottom of this post. We also have printed copies of the invitation in the UHP townhouse. If you don’t use this invitation, please be sure to tell them to RSVP! They can RSVP by emailing the UHP email.
A couple further notes: you will not need to come to the event together with the faculty you invite, they just need to RSVP to the UHP email. Invited faculty are also not required to pay.
Finally, some orange chicken:

Oh, and also the invitation: