Ah, Facebook. Ol’ Faithful. The land of parents, baby photos, extended family members you’ve talked to once, and acquaintances from middle school that you wouldn’t say hello to now if you passed on the street.
The UHP Facebook page is an active place – a hub of free food notifications, event announcements, and program announcements. It is probably the best place other than the blog and the NewsFlash to find information about upcoming events and deadlines for the program.
There’s nothing fancy about our Facebook page. It has no fun Insta stories managed by Peer Advisor Brittney, nor Weekly Wisdom Tweets from Peer Advisor Ryan. The UHP Facebook stands strong nevertheless, a bulwark of regularity in the chaos that surrounds us. It has weathered many a storm, lived through many an SA scandal, seen Honors Advisors and Program Coordinators come and go. It has survived them all.
So, if you have a Facebook and haven’t already, come on over and give us a like. Let your timeline, filled as it is with videos of obscure stand-up comedy and endless political arguing between people you’re not sure you’ve ever even met, be dotted with the delights of the UHP. Find us here: https://www.facebook.com/theUHP