Capco Recruitment

Capco is looking for diverse, innovative, enthusiastic and passionate applicants to join our 2020 Associate Talent Program. Our Associates start off with a two-week program that provides extensive and engaging training to ensure new associates at Capco are prepared for consulting in financial services. From basic coding in SQL to public speaking sessions, associates are equipped with all the skills they need to become successful. No formal consulting experience or financial services experience is required to apply and we are open to all majors.
Based on the skills and qualifications that we’re looking for in new Associates, we think that members of UHP are a great pool of candidates for our programs, since many UHP alums now work at Capco. Interested applicants to Capco’s Generalist ATP, Technology ATP, and Summer Internship Program (SIP) can apply through Handshake. Capco will also be attending GW’s General and GWSB Career Fair, as well as hosting a few helpful sessions of our own to ease the application process.