The Lives of East Germans book project

Professor: Mary Beth Stein

Department: RGSLL

Title: The Lives of East Germans book project

Description: My book, The Lives of East Germans, utilizes the life history of interviews of approximately 80 former East Germans in order to analyze when and how people remember and talk about their lives under socialism and how their lives changed after the fall of the Berlin Wall and German unification. The goal of this book is to provide in-depth narrative examples of the complexity of East German experience through multiple voices and perspectives.

Duties: I would like to hire a student with near native German language skills to transcribe and translate parts of interviews that I conducted in Berlin in Fall 2018. Another task would be to read select Stasi files and compile an index of key terms from the interviews and files.

Time commitment: 4-6 hours per week (average)

Credit hour option: 0

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