Take a Second Look at These Spring Courses

Still tweaking your spring schedule? Consider one of these UHP classes that currently have available seats!
HONR 1034.13 The Physics of Everyday Life
Professor Gerald Feldman
CRN 48019
TR 1:00-2:50 PM
Course Fulfills: CCAS: GPAC Natural/Physical Science with Lab, Oral Communication; ESIA: Science; GWSB: Science
Course Description: How does a microwave oven heat food?  What makes an airplane fly?  How does a CD player work?  Are magnetically levitated trains fact or fiction?  These are some of the questions that will be addressed in The Physics of Everyday Life.  Science is all around us — we only need to keep our eyes open to see it and our minds open to understand it.  This course will introduce students to physical principles through an examination of everyday objects to see “what makes them tick.”  This is a new and unconventional approach to physics, and science in general, that starts with whole objects and looks inside them to see how they work.  Possible topics include roller coasters, bicycles, clocks, rockets, air conditioners, xerox copiers, 3D printers, cameras, nuclear weapons and medical imaging.
The course is primarily conceptual in nature and is intended for students who are seeking a connection between science and the world in which they live.  In the lab component of the course, students will have the chance to independently explore the physics of everyday life with hands-on projects related to selected or student-defined topics that appeal to their own curiosity.

HONR 2047W.80 Politics and Culture

Professor Harvey Feigenbaum
CRN: 46122
T 3:30-6:00
Course Fulfills: WID; CCAS: GPAC Social Science; GWSB: Non-Business Elective/Unrestricted Elective; SEAS: Social Sciences
Course Description:Was capitalism created by Protestantism? Is culture dominated by the ruling class? How does Americanization affect the politics of other countries? Is Hollywood left-wing? These are some of the questions explored in Honors 2047W, “Politics and Culture.” The course is a seminar where some of the classic literature is discussed. It also includes discussion of movies and if possible will include attending a local production of political theater.

HONR 2053.10 Irish Literature in Context

Professor Donna Scarboro
CRN: 48492
MW 4:45-6:00 PM
Course Fulfills: CCAS: Humanities, Minority/postcolonial literature English requirement; ESIA: Humanities; GWSB: Non-Business Elective/Unrestricted Elective; SEAS: Humanities
Course Description: How has the post-colonial nation of Ireland become a beacon of both literary achievement and conflict resolution? Are these achievements linked? How successful were the efforts of writers who, to paraphrase Joyce, hoped to escape the nets of nationality, language, religion?  Were Irish literary figures successful in creating a ‘fifth province’ that could build a new Irish identity out of the entrenched oppositions of national politics and sectarian conflict?  Does the Irish experience hold any lessons for modern-day, worldwide efforts to overcome similar types of prejudice and violence? This course blends an overview of Irish history into the study of literature to explore the give-and-take between politics and literary production.  We will read Joyce, Yeats, Synge, Heaney, Beckett, and Friel and view a small selection of films.