Internship: NASA Headquarters

**EDIT: This application is now closed. Please keep an eye on the UHP blog for opportunities in future semesters!**
The NASA NEPA (National Environmental Protection Act) Team is looking for two volunteer interns for the Spring semester. The NEPA Team works on ensuring NASA is compliant with environmental regulations both domestically and internationally. My boss Tina Norwood is looking for interns to engage in mission projects, research policy, continue to expand the NEPA website, etc.
Responsibilities for one intern would include continuing research on the international aspects of NEPA compliance. The position will primarily entail working on international environmental policy, expanding the NEPA website, and creating protocols to increase compliance with executive orders and federal laws. Though the NEPA team covers a diverse series of topics which means both interns would be able to work on whatever interests them.
I had this internship for the fall semester and it was a wonderful experience. If you have any questions or are interested in the internship please send me an email ( This internship is a wonderful opportunity to learn about environmental policy, federal bureaucracy, and to meet many knowledgeable people. The hours are quite flexible, the subject matter is fascinating, and everyone on the team is very nice and relaxed. Additionally, it is possible to get this internship for credit– just ask Mary about it!