2017 Strasser Winners Announced!

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Strasser Writing Prize competition!  We have one first place winner, and an unprecedented THREE runners-up!

1st Place:

Kaarish Mariar
“Cubism: The Exception to Plato’s Banishment of Artists”
Written for Prof. Trullinger’s Origins class

Runners Up:

Emily Law
“Perversion of the Equality Principle in Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron.”
Written for Prof. Dworkin’s  Origins class
Madeline Rundlett
“Hegemonic Masculinity in Sport: How does society challenge the development of women’s sports through socialized gender norms?”
Written for Prof. Trullinger’s Origins Class
Henry Betts
“Constitution’s Clandestine Conquest”
Written for Prof. Saidel’s “The Embodied Mind” class
The first place winner will receive a $100 gift cards and the runners up will each receive $50 gift cards. Congratulations!