Bates White is an economic consulting firm located in Washington, DC that specializes in solving complex economic problems. We provide expert testimony and litigation support in a wide range of areas including antitrust, environmental and product liability, mergers and monopolization, healthcare, and finance. Bates White is now actively recruiting full-time consultants who could begin working after graduation this year. I have attached a job description to this email. Current juniors who are interested in our number 3 ranked 10 week summer consultant program are welcome to apply this fall as well. We will also be recruiting in the spring semester for summer consultants.
We will have a case interview workshop on Monday, September 19th from 6-7:15 pm in Duques Hall room 553.
The application deadline this year is Sunday, September 25th. Students must submit applications via GWork and our website: www.bateswhite.com
Interested students are welcome to contact me at this email: shane.destefano@bateswhite.com