Representing Black Men's Health & Sexualities: HIV Risk and Social-Structural Context [Research Assistantship]

Department: Psychology
Professor Lisa Bowleg
Project Description: Team Represent is lead by Professor of Applied Social Psychology, Dr. Lisa Bowleg. The team consists of a postdoctoral scientist, two Master’s level project directors, two doctoral students, a business manager, and a staff research assistant. Currently, we are conducting two National Institutes of Health-funded HIV prevention studies with Black men in DC. Men Count, is a HIV prevention intervention for unemployed and unstably housed young Black heterosexual men. Menhood is a mixed methods (i.e., qualitative and quantitative) study with Black men in DC designed to understand how factors such as neighborhoods, stressors such as police harassment and gentrification, and resilience at the individual and neighborhood-level are associated with HIV risk and protective behaviors. Data collection on Men Count is ongoing, but we are about to begin quantitative data analysis on Menhood, and write manuscripts to disseminate the qualitative findings from Menhood. Additionally, we will be writing two grant proposals — one focused on Black gay, bisexual and men have sex with men’s health, and another focused on gender transformative intervention for young Black boys — and seek assistance with that venture.
Duties: 1. Conduct literature searches of the peer-reviewed literature 2. Attend team trainings/workshops (e.g., quantitative analysis, writing for peer-reviewed publications) 3. Assist Dr. Bowleg and other team members in the completion of manuscripts (e.g., fact checking and verifying information such as HIV incidence and prevalence data; tracking down U.S. Census Bureau data), developing tables, and depending on skill and experience, writing sections of publications. 4. Qualitative data coding using Nvivo (qualitative software) 5. Assist with cleaning and management of the newly collected Menhood data 6. Cleaning, updating, and maintaining the team’s Endnotes bibliographic library 7. Participate in Team Represent research-related meetings 8. Other research-related tasks (e.g., assisting with presentations, conference abstracts, etc.)
Time Commitment/Credits: 10 hours or more per week; 3 credits
To Apply: Submit cover letter and resume to