Prof. Kung's Energy Class Takes On WIND POWER

Prof. Kung’s Energy class “beta tested” some new lab equipment related to the production of wind power! The students were challenged to design and construct (in just one class period) turbine blades that would produce a maximum amount of power, and the blade designs were put in head to head competition under controlled wind conditions (e.g. a fan!).Wind Power Photo 3
Wind Power Photo 1The turbine design that could lift the most weight was the winner. The overall winning team was Jack & Delaney, who opted for adding as many turbine blades as possible: their design ended up lifting 3 times more weight than any other group’s design!

wind power Jack & Delaney
Jack & Delaney’s winning turbine.

Over a dozen turbine designs were produced, and other more complex (if less effective) designs were also pictured. This test was quite successful and Prof. Kung plans to expand the lab in later semesters!
Wind Power Photo 4