We’re so pleased to announce that our new and high-achieving Program Officer, Mary Rothemich, has volunteered to offer a Self & Society (2048W) course this coming Fall!
While many of you have met Mary and see a spunky, Zumba and chocolate-loving adviser, you may not know that she has an intense interest in Animal Sociology. In her spare time at American and Catholic Universities, she worked with preeminent researchers to develop a theory on the social relationships of squirrel communities.
“There are so many that live among us, even in Washington, D.C., that it is irresponsible for us to ignore the very real behavioral patterns they exhibit,” Mary writes of “Social Squirrels,” the course description for which will be available online shortly.
Mary hopes to spread awareness on each college campus where she has worked, and involves testimonies and studies conducted by other DC-based scholars, such as “Red Squirrels: Where and Why?” and “Roadkill: An Existential Crisis“.
Class activities will include observing squirrels around campus at play in trees, in mating rituals, and their patterns of food hoarding.
If you wish to enroll in “Social Squirrels,” please send an email to uhp@gwu.edu and be sure to copy Mary (rothemich@gwu.edu). All you need to apply a very short personal statement of interest! The CRN for this five-credit course is 412015.