Program Officer Mary's GW Today Debut!

While I’ve only been at GW for about two months, I’m excited to share that I’ve already been featured in GW Today in a story about the importance of a healthy workplace environment.  You may have seen this photo, but not realized that I’m in it!

Impressive, right?
Impressive, right?

Okay, maybe that’s a bit misleading.
Not so impressive.

That’s right, I’m the one lying on the ground in utter defeat while everyone around me does backbends.  There were also headstands involved… basically I was way out of my league.  If nothing else, I hope my pathetic efforts can serve as a reminder to make the most of your GW experience and to take advantage of the unique opportunities that surround you every day!
I also want to remind everyone that I’m currently taking appointments and hope to see you in my office soon!