Ancient Greece and the Origins of Western Thought

Ralkowski Blog post

Students apply now!
Professor Ralkowski will be teaching a short-term course this summer in Athens. You will have the opportunity to visit incredible, historical sites like the Oracle at Delphi that pronounced Socrates the wisest human being and the jail cell where the Athenians forced Socrates to drink hemlock. You will have the opportunity to hike to the top of the Acropolis to see the Parthenon that Pericles built and walk through the ruins of Aristotle’s Lyceum, the school that Aristotle founded after studying with Plato for twenty years and serving as a tutor for Alexander the Great in Macedonia.  You will explore the ancient Agora, where Socrates practiced his “street philosophy,” and the Pnyx, where the Athenian democracy assembled for its deliberations.  Also, you will sail from Piraeus, the port city where the Athenians kept their navy, so you have the chance to observe where the Athenians defeated the Persians and fought the twenty-seven year Peloponnesian War with the Spartans.
Don’t miss this opportunity to study ancient Greek philosophy while exploring Athens and the sites where the history of philosophy began!
Applications for this short-term abroad course are being accepted now until March 2, 2015!  This course is open to graduate students as well.  Click here for more information.