Urban Sustainability and Green Building Policy [Research Assistant]

Professor Melissa Keeley
Department: Geography
The Project
Green Building (you may know LEED) is a growing trend…but what are the environmental effects associated with these practices? Understanding this and the rationals behind the many public policies that promote and require green building are first steps in understanding if these building practices are cost-effective and having the desired impacts on their communities.
Research Assistant Tasks
I have several ongoing projects related to green building that you could choose to be involved with. Some projects are more technical–budding environmental engineers might be interested in reviewing the specs on green technologies included in some case study buildings.
Other work is more policy-oriented. Such students might help with literature reviews of the subject, help with basic data analysis, or follow up with green building administrators in cities across the country so we represent the work of their departments accurately.
Time Commitment: 4-6 hours per week
Contact Emailkeeley@gwu.edu
Additional Instructions for Applying:
You are welcome to contact me with questions or for more information. To apply, please send an email with a paragraph or so on why this topic interests you, and any relevant experiences you have had (in classes or out). Please include the name and contact information of one GW faculty member who will serve as your reference and attach your transcript (it can be an unofficial one through GWeb) and a writing sample (a paper your have written for a class will do).