Editorial Assistant for the Journal of Fandom Studies [Research Assistant]

Editorial Assistant for The Journal of Fandom Studies
Professor Katherine Larsen
The ProjectThe Journal of Fandom Studies is a multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of fan culture and all fandoms. The Aims and Scopes of the journal state that the journal “seeks to offer scholars a dedicated publication that promotes current scholarship into the fields of fan and audience studies across a variety of media. We focus on the critical exploration, within a wide range of disciplines and fan cultures, of issues surrounding production and consumption of popular media (including film, music, television, sports and gaming), The journal aims to address key issues in fans studies itself, while also fostering new areas of enquiry that take us beyond the bounds of current scholarship.” More information about the journal can be found here:

This is an excellent opportunity for students who are interested in media, popular culture or any other the core issues that the journal addresses (gender, race, class, new media, etc) to get hands on experience with periodical publication.
Research Assistant Tasks: Research assistants would be asked to keep track of submissions to the journal and article reviews as they are received. RA’s would also be asked to review incoming articles for suitability for the journal and to review articles (number to be determined based on the number of credits) over the course of the semester. In addition, RA’s would meet with me several times over the course of the semester for editorial meetings.
Time Commitment: The time requirements would vary depending on how much time the student had available (1-3 hrs a week)
Credit Hour Option: 1 or 2 credits depending on student time availability.
Application Instructions: Please send a cover letter indicating any experience with editing or periodical production. A strong writing background is preferred. Being versed in popular culture is a plus but is not required for the position.  
Contact Emailklarsen@gwu.edu