Bates White Economic Consulting is recruiting!
Bates White LLC is an economic consulting firm, located by McPherson Square, that provides expert analytical advice and support to attorneys, Fortune 500 companies, and government agencies. We will be on campus next week to host an examination of economic consulting and a case interview workshop, where graduates from GWU will be discussing what it’s like to work in the fun and challenging consulting environment in our diverse set of practice areas (examples include: HealthCare, Energy and Antitrust). As an international affairs and economics double major graduate from GWU I have found my position at Bates White perfectly complements my desire for team-based problem solving and quantitative rigor. And while Bates White is an economic consulting firm, we value diverse skill sets and strive to recruit from all majors.
We are currently recruiting for our Summer Consultant program, a comprehensive 10-week program that includes extensive training, quantitative and qualitative client work, mentoring by senior leadership, social events, and opportunities to organize a community service project. The program was ranked #2 last year amongst all consulting internships and #3 amongst all internships by (<>). One former Bates White Summer Consultant noted, “the internship treated me like a full time hire. They gave me real responsibility and meaningful work that contributed to cases.” Another said, “Almost everything about the internship was amazing: the event programming, the meaningful work, the people, the firm culture, and the opportunity to provide input on the projects you wanted to work on.”
So if you think you might be interested in a problem-solving-based, quantitative job this summer, or if you just want to learn what economic consulting is all about, please come check us out!
Case Interview Workshop:
Thursday January 23rd from 5-6pm in Duques 451
(There will be an opportunity to chat with recent GW graduates who now work for Bates White)
Deadline: January 29th
The application and job description can be found at
While we are currently recruiting juniors to fill our summer consultant program we encourage seniors and sophomores to attend the case workshop if they have interest in possibly working with us in the future, or just want some extra case interview experience!