Camp Kesem: CK ALL DAY [Student Org Profile]

Welcome to a new column where UHPers can shine the spotlight on orgs they’re involved in at GW right here on the UHP blog! Want to get the word out about your org and tell the rest of the UHP why it’s awesome? Want to encourage others to get involved in your org? Email about writing a post!
Hello UHPers! My name is Shailly and I am one of Camp Kesem GW’s Volunteer Coordinators for the 2013-2014 year. For those of you who are unfamiliar with our organization, we hold a free one-week summer camp for the children of past and present cancer patients in the DC area. We began in 2007 with 10 campers and 12 counselors and have now grown to a goal of 100 campers and 50 counselors for the summer of 2014. Throughout the year, we hold fundraisers of varying sizes and types to help us raise enough funds for camp – this year our goal is to raise $75,000!

Your very own SPA Co-Chairs getting messy at camp!

So why should you love camp? Check out this video to get a better idea of what an amazing week camp is! Our kids range from 6-18 years old, but all of them have grown up too fast dealing with the very serious topic of cancer. We provide a space for them to just act like kids and do crazy fun activities, like arts & crafts and messy games!
Camp is really like a big family (and I know how cliché that sounds, BUT IT’S SO TRUE). I joined my sophomore year and knew instantly that this group of absolutely eccentric and passionate people was going to be so fun to work with. Two years later, I’m close friends with just about everyone in camp, I’ve served as a camp counselor for two years, I’ve held two different E-board positions, and I’ve been a unit leader for the cutest of the cute (the 6-7 year olds, ahhhh BABIES).
This year, I’m reaching out to student organizations (maybe you’ve seen me at yours…) to find the best of the best to be counselors for the next year and to encourage everyone I know (and even random strangers) to apply! This organization has changed my life in so many ways and I know it is something that will stick with me forever. I just want to share the joy of camp with as many people as possible! We’ll also be holding some fun camp-y activities throughout the year for anyone to come hang out with us.

Counselor applications are available on our website as of SUNDAY, October 20th!  All of our upcoming events are posted there as well.  Come visit us at any of our counselor info sessions next week, OR at our reunion next Saturday, October 26th (yeah, we’re everywhere)!
Also, like us on Facebook to look at camp photos from the past year and to stay updated on all camp events!  We’re also on Twitter, Instagram, and Shutterfly, sooo you really can’t escape us. :]
Any of you who know me, know camp is my life.  I have enough CK clothing to wear only that everyday, and I regularly do.  If you see me around, ASK ME ABOUT CAMP! I loveeeeeeeeee talking about it and I promise you won’t regret learning more.