UHP's Relay for Life T-Shirt Decorating [Event]

Why rent when you could OWN?
Why rent when you could OWN?

Are you on the UHP’s Relay for Life team? Want to represent? Have a white t-shirt? Then come to our Relay for Life Team t-shirt decorating party! We’ll be meeting 5 to 7 in the Foggy Bottom Townhouse basement on Thursday, March 28.
Come and hang out with the team and decorate a t-shirt to show off the UHP’s collective swag. Don’t worry about bringing markers, we have ALL the colors. Just bring a white t-shirt (make sure to wash it first) and your lovely selves. Not on the team yet? Don’t worry about it. Come anyway and we can even help you sign up there. Don’t forget your white t-shirt! And don’t forget Relay for Life on April 20!