[Rec'd Event] GW TRAiLS Tour of Bull Run Battlefield

Join GW TRAiLS for a tour of the Bull Run Battlefield in Manassas, Virginia, led by UHP Sophomore and GW TRAiLS Guide Evin Feldman. Read on for more:
Bull Run Battlefield Tour, A trip offered by GW TRAiLS

Called Bull Run by Union forces and Manassas by the Confederates, we will be touring the battlefield of the first battle of the Civil War. On this trip we will go on a guided tour of the battlefield, visit the park museum that includes artifacts and an electronic battle map, and be able to freely walk around the historic area. This trip is a must for those history buffs out there. Don’t know too much about the Civil War? Don’t sweat it! This is a sweet opportunity to meet new people, get away from the bustle of DC, and learn some cool things about American history. The first battle of Bull Run is one of the most important battles of the Civil War and because of its close location to GW, it’s a must-visit for students. Sign up now, spots are very limited.

Trip Date: March 24th, 2013