Submit your work to the Autumn Art Competition!

We’ve seen your academic prowess, now show us your creative side!
Seriously, we need your help.

Our current color scheme.

Without the contributions from our dependable Honors community, we’ll be forced to decorate with ugly photos that remind you of a pediatrician’s waiting room, surrounded by annoyingly infectious toddlers whose tantrums are only exceeded in intensity by their disease-spreading phlegm missiles.  Which, come to think of it, is another excellent way to describe the Honors Suite’s wall color.
We can’t fill Professor Ralkowski’s office with (what we hope to be) hundreds of entries since pranks were outlawed after an unfortunate November 200o Florida joke went very, very badly, so for the first round you should send a digital version (like a photo) of your work to by Wednesday, September 26.
After we decide on the top submissions from the electronic pool, we’ll invite the best artists to submit their actual work.  Then we’ll get our judgin’ on and announce a winner by Wednesday, October 3.
BUT WAIT!  Do you also need to judge your peers in a socially acceptable way?  While we’re busy selecting our favorites, we’ll have online Facebook voting to see which entry gets the most likes, and we’ll hang that work up too!  Submitting an entry and then paying your friends to vote for it on Facebook will (probably) not be punished, since they’ll have to like the UHP before participating in your dastardly plot.
Be creative!  You can pick any theme: autumn, GW, the UHP, DC, dinosaurs, deep ocean gas vent marine life—whatever you like.  Except oatmeal.  Unless it’s rainbow or dinosaur-colored oatmeal.
There’s a modest prize for all winners, but we know that your real motivation will be to see your work grace the Honors Ames suite and not the thought of possibly winning $6,000,000!*
*Not actual prize.  We said ‘modest’, remember?
Send any questions to Preston at  Good luck!