Blog Post written by Kevin Saladino
After finally making it in from Dublin, Ireland, the biggest shock was the change in weather and the lack of darkness in the region. During our time so far in Sweden, we have experienced 16-hour days with the sun shining far into the 10PM hour. This has necessitated the use of eye masks and some people, (myself included) are having problems getting our bodies to adjust to the new times. It is also unseasonably hot, with temperatures comparable to Florida, my home state.
Travel from the Arlanda airport to the hotel couldn’t be simpler and since I've used Metro in the DC area for 4 years, I am quite impressed with the transportation in Sweden. Though I've been to the country before, I can say that it takes no real skill or luck to make it to the Arlanda express high-speed train and then into Stockholm, where the hotel was about a 5-minute walk away from the station, again easy to find. After a welcome dinner (that included a meal of meatballs, pictured) we had some time to tour the “Old City” area. Before I move on from the food, I want to state that it is VERY good (though expensive) here. Speaking of, the exchange rate is good here for the moment with the USD trading for approximately 9 SEK. We had the opportunity to take some pictures as well as spend some time socializing as a group, getting to know one another on a personal level.
After this point, we made it back to the hotel, where it seems we never look up from our laptops - typing away hastily on our respective projects. Don’t get me wrong, there are times where we are allotted the opportunity to experience the area and the offerings, both culturally and culinary speaking; we have had great tour guides and have been to the Vasa museum, for example. However, the entire class is preoccupied with the project, and that focus requires long hours of practice as well as focus.
We are involved with a consulting project for Volvo, based out of Gothenburg. The pace is unrelenting and the hours are long, however our group is working hard to bring the best product to Volvo in hopes of furthering their initiative, Care by Volvo (CBV), especially since meeting the talented leadership in person. All in all, the class is under pressure, however we are making time to connect on both a professional and personal basis as well as (attempting) to remain healthy. My group, “DRG” and I have been working long days and mornings to make sure that we are both a fluid and a well-sounding team that presents a cogent case. 24 hours to go and we will make our cases to Volvo, as well as have the company declare a winner out of the three teams. More to come.