GW Stock Pitch Competition Application

The Inaugural GW Stock Pitch Competition aims to provide students with a platform to improve and apply their financial analysis skills and investment acumen in a competitive setting. Students will showcase their ability to craft persuasive investment theses, learn about the GWII Investment Framework, receive feedback from judges, get FactSet certified, and conduct financial research.

Students submit/pitch one company that they believe is a good long-term investment. Companies must be publicly traded in the U.S. Companies can be from any industry/sector. The market capitalization must be at least $250 million USD.

Based on the quality of research and originality of the investment thesis, the top student pitches will win: First place award – $550; Second place award – $350; Third place award – $200; Honorable mentions – $100.

Application deadline: September 20 at 5:00 pm ET
First round deadline: September 25 at 10:00 am ET
Finalists announced: September 27
Final round: October 4 at 12:00 pm ET – in-person at GWSB

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