Funding Opportunities

The GW Investment Institute (GWII) teaches students at the George Washington University how to invest and how to think about investing. Our students serve as analysts and portfolio managers, managing over $7.7 million (as of 12/13/2023) in university endowment funds across four student investment funds covering: equities, real estate, and quantitative investing. The institute also offers a class on venture capital. In the GW School of Business finance classes taught by the GWII, students:

• Perform equity research, develop an investment thesis, pitch stocks,

• Gain exposure to tools and techniques for building quantitative models, 

• Learn how to utilize research tools such as: FactSet, Bloomberg,

• Connect with alumni and industry professionals, and

• Qualify to receive a financial award for stellar performance in class.

The GWII has over 1,400 alumni worldwide. Our alumni make contributions by providing guest lectures, mentoring, advising, connections, and donations. 

Your financial support for the GW Investment Institute enables real-world learning and networking opportunities for our students. It improves a student’s experience at GW and contributes to better industry placement.

Support Student Experience

  • $2,500 – Part-time Student Intern for one semester.
  • $5,000 – One GW team at the Cornell’s Women in Investing Conference.
  • $10,000 – One GW team at the McGill’s buy side competition in Canada.
  • $10,000 – Alumni reception in New York City or Washington, D.C.
  • $20,000 – Finance Career Trek NYC for 10 students from our classes.
  • $30,000 – Student Teaching Assistants helping with our classes.
  • $30,000 – FactSet annual subscription. 


  • $50,000 – Advisory Board membership. Learn more.
  • $1,000 – GWII Alumni Advisor and Luther Rice Society membership.

Build Legacy

  • $25,000 – Lead GWII Conference sponsor.
  • $100,000 – Name endowed scholarship.
  • $1 million – Name fund and serve on the GWII Governing Board.
  • $5 million – Endow the Institute Director position.
  • $21 million – Name the Institute.

Your support is much appreciated and every dollar donated to the Institute will go toward providing more opportunities for our students. 

***Donations to the George Washington University are tax deductible.***
Questions? Please reach out to Bojana Jankovic,

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