GW Investment Institute’s 2023 Annual Report

Dear Friends and Supporters of the GW Investment Institute,

I am delighted to present the GW Investment Institute’s fiscal year 2023 annual report, celebrating a remarkable academic year. Along with esteemed Professors Matt Miller, Christine Song, and Bill Collier, we taught nine finance classes as part of the GW Investment Institute (GWII). We hosted 57 industry professionals, both in-person and virtually.

I am proud to share that we awarded $50,000 in financial accolades to our top 10 performing students, acknowledging their exceptional dedication in our classes. Furthermore, we coordinated the allocation of the first endowed scholarship to support women in finance.

Additionally, we expanded access to new tools for financial research. Namely, we integrated FactSet into our class curriculum and worked closely with BlackRock to introduce our students to their Aladdin technology.

Last fall, we hosted an alumni reception in New York City and enjoyed connecting with former students. Further, our Annual Conference on Quant Investing brought together more than 60 students, faculty, and alumni, fostering insightful discussions on the latest advancements in quantitative investing.

Regarding student competitions, for the fifth year, our students showcased their exceptional talent at the McGill International Portfolio Challenge, reaching the semifinals. Further, we sent one of our students to Cornell’s Women in Investing Conference for the first time.

Even though our primary goal is to teach students how to invest and preserve endowment capital, our Student Investment Funds continued outperforming the S&P 500 Index.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated students, professors, staff, teaching assistants, advisory and governing board members, portfolio advisors, and guest speakers who consistently go above and beyond to advance our mission of excellence in experiential investment education. It is through your collective efforts that we have achieved such remarkable success.

Our accomplishments and the exceptional performance of GWII’s Student Investment Funds reflect the hard work and dedication of 1,400+ alumni, faculty, and staff. On behalf of the GWII, thank you for your continuous support and unwavering engagement. With great enthusiasm, I eagerly anticipate the future of GWII and our continued growth, further shaping the landscape of investment education.


Rodney E. Lake
Director, GW Investment Institute

We invite you to review the full report below:

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