Podcast: Market News with Rodney Lake

Market News with Rodney Lake podcast is a regular program of the GW Investment Institute that features discussions about market news and key investing concepts. It is hosted by Rodney Lake, Director of the GW Investment Institute. 

#3 – GW Investment Institute Framework  A brief review of the GW Investment Institute Investment Framework, BMPB, Business, Management, Price vs. Valuation, and Balance Sheet.

#2 – Pricing Power – Pricing power is a measure of how much a change in the price of a product will affect the quantity demanded. Investors care about this concept because it shows the extent to which companies can pass costs to customers without harming their sales or margins. We discuss when companies have pricing power, why it’s particularly important in the current economic environment, and a few examples from recent earnings reports.

#1- The Semiconductor Industry – There were record sales of semiconductors last year. We discussed how the economy and COVID affected the semiconductor industry, as well as geographic changes in the industry and some company specific news.

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