Wrapping up another great semester

Prof. Lake delivering opening remarks at Ramsey SIF stock pitch day

The GWII taught four classes this semester, hosted 14 different industry professionals for guest lectures, presented three shows of “Live with Rodney Lake” to discuss market news, released two quarterly reports, and culminated the semester with four student pitch days. Thank you to all of our students, guest lecturers, alumni, donors, and everyone who helps to make the program a success. 

An important part of our program are the stock pitch days – a students final project where they examine their outlook for an industry and research companies using the GWII framework (business, management, price vs. valuation, and balance sheet) ultimately proposing to sell a current holding in the portfolio which will fund the purchase of a different company that the student believes is a better long-term investment.

For Spring 2022, the GWII will be teaching the following classes: Phillips Student Investment Fund, Quant Student Investment Fund, Venture Capital class. Additionally, Professor Lake will be teaching Business Leader Career Strategy course and Undergraduate Research course. We hope everyone has a great break over the holidays and look forward to seeing everyone back on campus in January. 

GW Investment Institute