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Cyber Talk Resource Repository Created

Information Sharing Through GW Box

GW IT Risk and Assurance provides information and resources through workshops and webinars as well as posts to our blog site.  Below the team highlights resources added to our newly created GW Box awareness repository.  Unfortunately, content hosted on GW Box is only accessible by those with GW Box access.  We hope to add more content sharing options for the wider community soon.

The following items were posted this week:

Cybersecurity Awareness - Quick Guides, Presentations, Documents and Resources (Shared Folder - Requires GW Box Account) 

    • Every effort is made to share content aligned with copyright holders' intended use of the content as handouts and guides for distribution.  Please let us know if we have something incorrectly posted by email

Look for update announcements for these other focus areas coming soon!

unofficial GW hippo mascot holding a lockThis content is presented by the GW IT Cybersecurity Risk and Assurance team. #SecuringGW is a shared responsibility, if you see something, say something. Report suspicious digital activities, including phishing emails, to abuse[@]

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