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By teniolab

On the "Rollercoaster of Study Abroad" schematic, I definitely think I am in that "initial adjustment" phase. More or less I have found myself to be comfortable in my surroundings and have figured out what works and does not work for me to be successful during my time abroad. While in this stage, I have found myself retrospectively criticizing my packing situation. I constantly think that if I had known "this", I would have brought "that". I tried my hardest to not overpack. After many attempts at packing and repacking, I somehow packed the items that I "wanted" as opposed to packing the items that I "needed". But when it comes to being away from home for four-plus months, it is important to pack smart but also pack the items that make you feel the most like yourself.

It is challenging to now realize that I didn't pack certain (sentimental) items for the sake of saving room in my suitcase. So here it is, a list of items I wish I had packed:

...continue reading "5 Things I Wish I Had Packed"

By teniolab

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow officially marks the start of my fourth week in Gaborone. Now, I can thankfully say I have tried almost every form of public transportation. Gaborone is the capital of Botswana, and a fast-growing city at that.

Living in the University of Botswana Dorms has given me the unique experience of navigating around the city with ease. While in the first few weeks, trips to the grocery store and to dinner were taken with the lovely help of the CIEE driver. Bethel, who has worked with CIEE for seven years, pulls up to the UB dorms donned with the biggest grin ready to share his Gaborone with us. And just like that, a person would pay 30 pula in total, roughly 3 US dollars, for a "special" taxi.

A “special” taxi is taken alone or split among friends. While this is still cheap, taxi drivers will try to trick you into taking a special when you don’t need one! If you are not in a rush or simply do not want to pay a lot for transportation, you can take a regular taxi. The "non-special" taxi will cost 4.10 pula, about 41 US cents. Often times, the driver will either pick up passengers along the way or wait at your pick-up location until passengers fill up the car.

...continue reading "Navigating through the City"

By teniolab


I am just arriving back to campus after spending the weekend in Bahurutshe Cultural Village. The village is located in Mmankgodi which is about 22 miles from Gaborone. It is deemed a “cultural village” in that it is a village that tourists can go to participate in and experience the culture of the Bahurutse tribe. From the food to the dancing, two moments stood out to me the most.


1. Foreigner Acceptance Ceremony

Traditionally, when a foreigner arrives at a village, they must be accepted to stay by the chief and by the ancestors. The "ancestors" adorn animal skin on their bodies, paint on their faces and shells around their legs. They perform traditional dances that involve quick footwork. It was always a shocker to see the dancers throw in a backflip here and a back-tuck there. Accompanied by their impressive dance skills were their wonderful harmonies.

...continue reading "Bahurutshe Cultural Village: Unforgettable Moments"