By ltchouaffe
In my first post, the words I used to describe myself was Cameroonian-American. In my last post I came to terms with my Americanness. Today, I still stand by my identity as a Cameroonian- American but in a new light. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I came to France to discover a bit of my Francophone identity and I have but I have discovered that is not bad being American. I think for the great majority of my life, I have tried to put that identity second. Its funny because people of immigrant origin and their family sometimes try to blend in but I was always trying to stand out. Perhaps I was ashamed of being American? There was nothing unique or different about it?
But France has shown me, that I should never disregard that identity. Being American is the reason why I think the way I do or act the way I act. There have been so many instances where my actions have shown that I am American and you know what the funny thing was- I never had to think about it. It was all so natural in every single way. It became more apparent to me when I started being homesick and craving American food. What a concept!
I think I needed to come abroad to see where I was from from the outside in. The thing about identity is that it can be hard but you have to embrace all of it. You have accept it all because it shapes the way you act in the world and that is something that I can’t change. I am American and Cameroonian and there is nothing wrong with being either.