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The down side of King’s

By Raman Mama

Let me paraphrase this by saying I’ve loved my time at King’s College. I’ve met amazing people and I’ve learned things that I never would have been able to in other places. The community is great, and the social life is amazing.


There’s one thing that they don’t tell you when you come to study at King’s which is that during April, EVERYONE leaves for Easter break, and they don’t usually come back until May.

This means that you’ll be left with nothing to do, as all of your friends from earlier in the semester have gone home or are traveling.

The best way to deal with this is to make sure you have plans during April to stay busy. The tedium of being alone for a month abroad can be fairly frustrating.

Some things I suggest are traveling to another country, as trips on Ryanair are exceedingly cheap.

Or, you could use that time to study for your exams in May, which are faster approaching than you would expect.

I filled this time with lots of bike rides, studying, time at the comedy club, and the gym. Though I missed my friends, I learned a lot about myself.

Though people are starting to trickle back into the accommodations, make sure that you have something to do during April