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Intro to Cami

By camitakesthailand

Hello there! My name is Cami Kim. I am a Sophomore at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. I study human services social justice along side about 100 of the coolest people to ever live. I love my life in D.C. But I also don’t mind the time I spend in Seattle, my hometown.

I am typically described as a passionate, highly sensitive, Type-A personality. I like to spend my free time watching Marvel movies, eating diverse foods, and cuddling with all my friends despite their protests. I am a little social justice warrior that runs around and ruins the way everyone looks at their favorite TV shows and magazines. I pride myself on my dedication to feminism.

As a white woman it is important that I acknowledge my privilege often. The intersectionality of the issues I study is imperative to making any kind of change. Learning my place in social justice conversations is a journey I am excited to take this semester.

When I made the final decision to study abroad in Thailand, I was sitting in a Starbucks across from my beautiful big. I had a rough year. She knew that and I knew that. At the time nothing was making sense. I was what people round these parts call “a Cami on the verge”. I sat their sipping my flat white with 4 extra shots and pondered my next step. I was praying for a sign. I wanted to know that there was a reason to continue on the path I had chosen. I checked my grades and it turned out that I had gotten a very good grade on an exam I was positive that I failed. That was my sign. It was time to make a move.


I had previously planned a trip to Thailand to study abroad during the Spring of 2016. I canceled that trip for multiple reasons that are really really not worth getting into. As I was sitting in the booth of that coffee shop, I knew that it was time to go. I looked up from my computer, made eye contact with my biggest, and said, “I guess I should probably go to Thailand.” She shrugged the way that those who know me best do when I suggest a major impromptu life change. She replied, “Probably.”