By mluevano17
I identify myself as having a Mexican ethnicity and an American nationality. My background is mostly a source of pride for myself but it can be quite confusing. One of the main issues for me is the fact that I do not look or act according to many people’s expectations of a person with Mexican ethnicity. I find discomfort in the fact that for many people in the United States, especially in my home state of California; “Mexican” also brings up subjects such as “illegal immigration” or a certain kind of job such as “housekeeper” or “gardener”. Many who meet me are not aware of my ethnic background until I choose to tell them, and I am mostly met with surprise. Most of the time I find it quite amusing to surprise people with this fact about me, however it becomes quite disappointing when the first thing out of their mouths are questions of doubt or disbelief. I have heard many times that I am “barely Mexican” or that I am “basically a white girl”. These reactions are frustrating and confusing because for me, my ethnicity is a matter of fact, it is not dependent upon how I act or the citizenship of my parents or family. I have never felt anything but pride for my Mexican roots, but reactions such as these sometimes make it difficult for me to feel like I can truly claim them as my own. It is interesting that in a country as multicultural as the United States, there are still many stereotypes that people face.