By anishag22
Yesterday, my American friends and I went on our first day trip (to Bath, England) - a 12 minute train ride from Bristol that costed only seven pounds round trip. Bath was absolutely lovely and charming, and I couldn't believe that such an amazing city was located so nearby. It made me wonder why study abroad students don't do day trips more often. Don't get me wrong, I have my fair share of weekend trips outside of England booked, but in Bath I realized that there is so much to do and see right in the country you live in!
The "16-25 railcard" offers young people train tickets throughout Great Britain at prices reduced by 1/3. Europe's rail system is so fast, efficient and affordable that in my book ,there is no reason not to take advantage of deals like this! Even if I never left Great Britain over the next four months, I could have an amazing time exploring all of the unique cultural and historical sites in different cities.
My friends and I now want to plan more day trips for the coming weekends, and we couldn't be more excited to see what else England has to offer (We're currently eyeing an Oxford trip). Traveling when you're abroad doesn't have to be insanely expensive if you plan smart and discover the sites nearby. Day trips mean no hostel costs and no hassle, so it's truly worth it to do some local exploring!
Until next time,
Xx, Anisha