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The end of another semester

By arosema93

Unfortunately this post is a little late, but it follows some extremely good news, I finished my exams!! We are finished up earlier as we are headed into the Australian summer. Unlike GW, the exam period is quite a bit longer, spanning almost a month and exams can be spread out however throughout the period. Last semester my exams were spread out very evenly with approximately one a week. This semester, however, they all took part in a compact schedule of four exams in five days, much more like what I’m used to at GW. Although, I was still working during the exam period which certainly cut down on studying time. Now, as move out day quickly approaches I have been in a rush to finish up tons of stuff. Selling things, packing, and figuring out things for travel and anything which requires a computer as my internet capabilities over the next few months will likely be sketchy at best. Traveling down to Melbourne at first, I will then head up the coast through Sydney and Brisbane and beyond. I’m extremely excited for my travels and to finally be done with uni. The year went by way too fast and at the same time seems like it lasted forever. I have built a whole life here in Australia and its really weird to picture myself ever going back home. While I didn’t really experience culture shock when I came here, I can totally see how reverse culture shock can be a thing. It will be incredibly weird to return to a life that I haven’t really been a part of for over a year. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep yall updated on my travels as best as possible, but no real promises.