By maxikaplan
There is good news and there is bad news. I'll start with the bad: this is my last blog post. But, the good news is that I will be writing a second blog through GW for my next semester at LSE as well. I am thankful that I don't have to say goodbye to you all yet, and that as I write this from Paris that I can continue to give my readers the inside scoop of study abroad. This isn't a post about how fabulous study abroad is and how it has changed my life, but since I have the chance to I thought I would say a few words about the small things I've learned over the past few months.
First, and probably most important to me, is the idea of getting out of your comfort zone. Whether in class, in school, or at an internship, getting uncomfortable provides opportunities for me that l would have never known existed. Coming to LSE for a year was something I knew would put me out of my comfort zone, and so far so good. No harm done.
Second, I don't know where I would be in my study abroad experience and life in general if I hadn't learned to accept and always meet new people. I generally find two types of people when it comes to this though; there are those who willingly put themselves out there to seek new friends, and those who stay on the sidelines and make excuses not to go out, talk to the student next to you, etc. I personally have seen both sides of this coin myself, and I can tell you that being the former person and not the latter will help you in ways you can't imagine.
My time in Paris thus far might be what has me worked up about all of this, but since I am on vacation I think these ideas are really just beginning to hit me. I hope they one day hit you too. For now, that is all, readers, and I will get back to you in January when I start writing again. Happy New Year!