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I’m Beached As, Bro

By mtumasz

DSC_4157What's up mates! This post is going to be short, due to the fact that it's right in the middle of exam time here in New Zealand!

So final exams in this country are very stressful. Mine are all worth 40-50% of my final grade, very different from back in the states! I have been studying just about non-stop for the past week and a half in preparation for exams, and I started to go a little insane. So, I did what any responsible college student would do: take a day off from studying and go lie on the beach all day!

My friends and I went to this gorgeous place in Coromandel, NZ called Cathedral Cove. Scenes from the Chronicles of Narnia were filmed here, and it even makes an appearance in Macklemore's "Can't Hold Us" music video! We were so lucky with weather on the day we went. It rains in NZ just about everyday, and it can change drastically so fast. But for some reason, it was beautiful and sunny the entire time we were there, not a cloud in the sky! We all might've gotten a little sunburnt...

It was really nice to just take a day off from the books and just relax with friends. With time coming to an end here in paradise, it was nice to venture out of Auckland for just the day. When we got back to our apartments, we were so tired from doing nothing at the beach all day that we all went to bed wicked early. This was good because we were all able to wake up early the next morning to get back to studying! A win-win all around.

So if you're feeling stressed about exams, don't be afraid to give yourself a little "me time." It will definitely be good for your mindset and probably help you out in the long run!

Cheers mates!