By jahdaimoriah
They say time flies, well time must be wearing a jet pack! I can not believe I have already been here for three months and only have one more month left! In three months I have: learned how to avoid being hit by crazy moped drivers, eaten my weight in pasta, can hold a decent conversation in Italian, and have crossed multiple borders. I guess in a sense I have accomplished alot and I am ready to see my friends and family. However, I am not sure if I want to go back to the states.
I had a hard time during the fall semester at GW. I was over my classes, the people, and D.C. As a whole. I was pretty unhappy. Florence is not my favorite city in the world but I am a lot happier being away from GW. However, I know I have to return but I guess I am pretty scared about returning. I feel like I have grown a lot since being abroad and I wonder how that will transfer over in the states. I know I should not be apprehensive but I am. Hopefully, I can use this last month to figure out a plan of action for when I get back..or maybe use it to apply for a semester in London...Time is flying so I better figure it out fast.