By kbartz34
Food in Chile is very important, especially to my host family, Food means meal time which means family time. In effort to provide a little context to these photos, let me explain: breakfast is very casual and similar to the U.S. (mainly cereal, yogurt, and fruit). Lunch is the biggest meal of the day and is eaten around 2 pm My host family drops whatever they are doing to come to the table for a few hours. Lunch is usually a few courses often including a soup, salad (lettuce with lemon juice and salt or tomatoes with onions), meat (a lot of beef), and bread. Finally we have "once" which is like a small meal around 9pm. We always drink coffee or tea and then share some sort of dessert bread alongside cheese, ham, avocado, and more bread. I am still alternating between being stuffed and starving, but I'll get used to the Chilean way someday.