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Not Your Average Pet

By Adar

Haifa is a city filled with nature. Hills, forests, shrubbery and very strange animals. Here are a few you may come across in normal, urban areas (though the latter four are mainly in the park)


For those who have never been to Israel this may be unfamiliar, but the streets are ridden with undomesticated cats. During the mandate, the British brought over a lot of cats to kill the rats. The rats left and the cats stayed. One day while I was sitting outside playing guitar, three cats came over to where I was and just sat and listened (albeit suspiciously). It was weird, and I’m scared to already be turning into a cat lady. And they go everywhere. They sit on your doorstep, they scamper around inside academic buildings. They wait with you at the bus station. 


Kind of like a bunny, but uglier, the hyrax is an animal that can be found near the sea, on rockier shores. We saw quite a few at Rosh Hanikra.

Wild Boars

No joke, there are wild boars in Haifa. Because we are practically inside the national park, which includes all manner of wildlife, occasionally a few boars from the woods with wander into the streets of Haifa. Don’t mess with the mamas.

Golden Jackal

Along with the boars, the jackals are mainly found in the National Park. I haven’t personally seen one yet, but I imagine seeing one will feel a bit like seeing my life flash before my eyes.

Egyptian Mongoose

I think this is probably the weirdest looking creature found in Haifa. Again, in the national park (which is about a seven minute walk from my dorms).