Even though I am across the world, I, along with my friends here, will be watching the election results just like we have been doing for each debate. Although we are twelve (now thirteen) hours ahead because of daylight savings time, we all manage to somehow find time and watch the debates together. This coming Wednesday, we all have decided to watch the election results in real time, so that means we will have to meet up in the morning time.
The US election has been a topic of discussion among some of the people here in Singapore, but mainly from my other exchange student friends. My roommate from Sweden said that they studied American politics briefly back home, so they have an idea of who each candidate is and what their views are. Some of my professors have even asked me who I am voting for and why. My Japanese History professor even had asked me if I was happy with President Obama's policies and ideas. When I went to Cambodia, a few of the locals there new about President Obama and had asked about the upcoming election; my family in India also has expressed interest in learning more about the election. I am very surprised and impressed with the amount of knowledge that people from different countries have about our political system.
I have not really found myself in any debates, but have found myself talking about some of the main focus points of this year's election. As someone who is going to be attending medical school next year, I'm really interested in the future of healthcare. A lot of my exchange friends are interested in the economic ideas presented by each candidate, but none of us have really 'debated' anything thus far.
Nonetheless, all of us are excited to see what will happen with this year's election!