By oncptime
I’ll be perfectly honest with you; I’m not much of a team player. I’m the guy who’d rather build his own diorama of the Pantheon. I’m that guy to wander away from the guided group tour. I’m that guy who, against all recommendation, likes to travel completely on his own. Wandering the world alone lost in audiobook, armed with nothing but a map and a canteen full of water, I am at my happiest.
You might call me antisocial. I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with you, though I prefer to think of myself as “independent.” There’s something to be said for exploring on one’s own whileabroad. We’ve all seen those groups of students taking “cute” pictures with the Queen’s Guard, or beneath the Eifel Tower. That’s well and good, but I always find myself wondering whether these people are really experiencing their surroundings. There’s nothing quite like frantically navigating your way across a strange and foreign city in an attempt to catch the last train back to your hostel at 2A.M.
You learn so much about who you are when you’re left to your own wits with nothing but your thoughts to keep you company. The sights, smells, and sounds of the streets become your traveling companions. Slowly but surely the way you interpret your surroundings changes in the absence of fellow expats. It is all too easy to create an impenetrable bubble of domestic culture with the seemingly once in a lifetime experiences with the fleeting soulmates we meet while abroad.
I’m a strong proponent of lone-wolfing when it comes to traveling abroad, obviously—there are a few things to keep in mind however if you plan on embarking on a solo trek.
1.) Plan. Murphy’s Law states that all things that can go wrong will—particularly in regards to travel. With that in mind, I cannot stress enough the importance of planning your trip in advance as thoroughly as you possibly can. Check, re-check, and triple-check your flight information, your train information, the lodging booking. The more you know, the better you’ll be able to handle the curveballs that are inevitably thrown your way.
2.) Announce. Just because you’re traveling alone doesn’t mean you shouldn’t let people know where you’re planning to be. There’s nothing wrong with making a nice public Facebook announcement—that people will see—letting people know where you’ll be for a weekend get away. In addition to flaunting your awesomeness, it also gives your loved ones a good idea of where to start a search party should things to awry. Additionally be sure to let at least one person know a bit more about your travels—the name and number and address of the hostel/hotel you’ll be staying at for example.
3.) Pack Well. Be smart about the way that you travel. Brings the things you need, but don’t bring too much with you. My rule of thumb is always to be ready to throw myself out of the back of a moving car with the backpack that I’ve brought with me. Always carry cash on hand and in a place that isn’t immediately pickpocketable. I suggest in a sock you’re wearing.
4.) Be Fearless. You’re adventuring here, people. There’s nothing worse than worrying what may happen than regretting what might have happened if you just took a chance. Now I’m not saying throw all caution to the wind. I am saying be open to the possibilities that will inevitably present themselves to you as a lone traveller. As an individual you stand out—you’re mysterious, you’re interesting, and people will gravitate towards you for it—for better or for worse.