I had the opportunity to hear the song Gangnam Style in August. It was extremely popular amongst some of the local students at NUS. I heard it while in my theatre class and was taught the dance. I personally like the song because of its beat and fun dance moves.While this song is not sung by a Singaporean, it still is played numerous times throughout the day on the radio. Gangnam style, for those not familiar with the song, is written by a Korean rapper who goes by the name Psy. It is accompanied by a distinct set of dance moves. The lyrics of the song basically are talking about the Gangnam district of South Korea, where apparently people who live there have lavish lifestyles. The video to this song can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0
A lot of the exchange students love dancing to the song as well- in fact, there have been flash mobs and other dance events centered around Gangnam Style. I remember there was a huge flash mob at the Deck, which is one of the canteens on campus. (Random interesting fact about Singapore: flash mobs can technically be considered illegal) There also was another instance where some exchange students were in a scavenger hunt across Singapore and had to perform Gangnam Style at a place nicknamed 'The Bridge'- one of the locals even joined in and danced alongside them!
The Singaporeans I've met so far tend to enjoy pop music from around the world. The most popular artists seem to be The Wanted, Maroon 5, One Direction, and various K-Pop (Korean pop) artists. Maroon 5, Katy Perry and an artist from Taiwan named Jay Chou even performed at the Singapore Grand Prix! In Little India, you can hear popular songs from South India, as well as some Bollywood music. It has definitely been a learning experience in terms of trying to listen to new music from this side of the world; I find K-Pop to be a lot of fun to listen to!