The Power of Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking can be tapped by developing positive attitudes. You can develop positive attitudes about situations and yourself by creating positive affirmations. Affirmations are statements about yourself, a situation and/or your behavior. Change your negative self-talk to positive affirmations, and with time you will notice a positive change in your perceptions. Following are several strategies for harnessing the power of positive attitudes:

  • Use positive statements. Avoid the words “not” and “don’t”. Studies show that the mind cannot register the concept of what you are not. It only registers what you are. In other words, if you say, “I am not stupid,” the brain registers “I am stupid.” Be positive and say what you are: “I am okay,” “I am smart.”
  • Use the present tense. State your self-talk in the present tense – here and now statements. Say: “Right now, I am satisfied or have ever thing I need,” instead of “Soon I’ll have everything I need,” “I’ll be better tomorrow,” or “I’m not as bad as I used to be.”
  • Identify the outcome and state it as if it is fact. The mind operates in absolutes and the present tense. Rephrase your statements to see a goal as a reality. Instead of, “I hope to be a good manager,” say “I am becoming a good manager.” Say this with feeling!
  • Focus on behaviors you can control. Use “I” statements. Create positive self-talk that deals with you and your goals. Realize that you cannot control the behavior or actions of others.

Remember, you have more control over how you think and perceive yourself and the world around you more than any other person on earth. Take advantage of that power by thinking and speaking in a positive way. 

To learn more about positive thinking and its path to improved well-being, check out resources through your employee assistance programHeadspace, and health advocate.