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Security and Energy Considerations in Implantable Medical Devices

Wireless Body Area Network is basically composed of two main parts. (1) an implantable or wearable sensor (2) the base station which captures the raw data and analyzes it for disease detection. To provide more mobility along with secure data transmission, we plan to exploit the energy harvesters implanted in the patients body. We also propose a controller module that manages the trade off between the remaining amount of energy, the rate of data transmission rate and the applied security protocol.

Security in Cloud Computing

Detecting cloud abuse is especially difficult in infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud systems. These systems present a unique challenge because it is easy for a knowledgeable user to mask certain elements of their systems behavior. Thus, the attributes that can be used to detect abuse are especially hard to identify. One way to get around this is to find the malicious behavior in the memory of the processes that are running on the system. Memory forensics can be used as a side channel leakage source to and the abnormality in these environments.

New Directions in Implementation Attacks & Countermeasures

Differential Fault Intensity Analysis (DFIA): Fault behavior can be processed as side-channel information, offering all the benefits of Differential Power Analysis including noise averaging and hypothesis testing by correlation. We observe that most faults are biased and that this property can reveal the secret key through a hypothesis test. DFIA has been implemented on hardware embedded systems and microprocessors (LEON3 p). The results of this research greatly contributed in the

FAME proposal to SRC grant propsal by Prof. Schaumont and Dr. Nazhandali.

Fault-attack Aware Microprocessor Extensions (FAME): This project is an effort to build a test bed for fault attacks. FAME offers a combination of fault detection in hardware and fault response in software. We demonstrate a prototype implementation of FAME using a modified LEON3 processor, and we analyze the hardware and software overhead to thwart setup-time violation attacks.

Sensor-Based Physical Unclonable Functions (PUF)

Exploited process variation and static offset in the accelerators as a source of unique physical property Implemented the NIST test to quantify the reliability and uniqueness of the generated PUF

Design for Reliability: Control Flow Integrity (CFI) Techniques in Embedded Processors

  • Proposed a low cost and reliable CFC method based on triplication of branch and jump instructions.
  • Proposed a method to protect run-time indirect branch destination address
  • Implemented the proposed method on the LEON2 p
  • Verified the reliability of the proposed method by exhaustive fault injection into LEON2 p

Reliable ScratchPad Memory (SPM)

  • Developed the idea of SPM data duplication in cache
  • Proposed read and write protocols in SPM and cache to enhance data reliability
  • Implemented the basic idea on the LEON2 p for initial performance and reliability evaluation measurements