Exploring Extremism: Elliott School Alum’s Research Contributes to International Advocacy Efforts

Grant A. Silverman, Research Assistant at the Elliott School’s Illiberalism Studies Program
Grant A. Silverman, Research Assistant at the Elliott School’s Illiberalism Studies Program

Grant A. Silverman is a Research Assistant at the Elliott School’s Illiberalism Studies Program. Studying the rise of illiberal and extremist movements in the United States and Europe, his research emphasizes the role of digital media and disinformation in the rise of political violence. He earned a master’s degree from George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs where he studied conflict and conflict resolution, disinformation, and right-wing extremism.

Silverman examines how anti-democratic, far-right movements are connected globally, and he pays special attention to how a uniquely American brand of right-wing ideology is being exported through international allies. He analyzes the history of American right-wing organizing to explain how the American right has always been concerned with the international sphere.

Silverman considers Dr. Marlene Laruelle as a mentor at Elliott School, crediting her for positively influencing his academic and professional development. “Her leadership of the Illiberalism Studies Program has provided me with learning and career opportunities to pursue the work that I am currently engaged in,” says Silverman.  

Dr. Laruelle is a Research Professor of International Affairs and the Director of the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES). The Institute’s mission is to “promote and support the study of Europe and Eurasia through research, courses, events, and publications,” according to their mission statement. 

Dr. Laruelle’s research focuses on illiberalism, the transnational far-right, and the Russian ideological landscape. She is the author of Is Russia Fascist? Unraveling Propaganda East and West, in which she explores accusations of fascism toward Russia and expertly examines the Russian domestic scene and the Kremlin’s foreign policy rationales. 

Silverman’s research underscores the importance of studying illiberal and extremist movements and their impact on international politics. The Elliott School’s programs provide students and alumni with the tools and resources to pursue careers in this critical area of study. Silverman further credits the Elliott School with providing him with time and space to conduct his research, as well as access to exhaustive library resources.

An Arctic Ally in the Nation’s Capital

Iceburg in the Arctic
Iceburg in the Arctic

For a campus built upon land once known as a malaria-infected industrial hub, it may come as a surprise that the Elliott School and GW are collaborating on no fewer than ten research grants related to the Arctic region. Dr. Robert Orttung and his colleagues are guiding projects examining topics as diverse as gender equality in the Arctic, the connection between Arctic wildfires and disease at high latitudes, the evolution of traditional Arctic communities under the stress of climate change, the opportunities and challenges for Arctic tourism, and long term data gathering and analysis of the Arctic permafrost. The Elliott School Arctic team includes Marlene Laruelle, Nikolay Shiklomanov, Dmitry Streletskiy, Vera Kuklina, and Marya Rozanova

According to Orttung, “the Elliott School has been successful in getting these grants because of our ability to work across campus with colleagues in a wide range of disciplines. Funders like the National Science Foundation are now encouraging the establishment of large multidisciplinary teams to tackle complex problems like those found in the Arctic. Collaboration is essential in bringing together a wide range of different types of knowledge, including natural science, engineering, and social science. The key is to be able to collect and analyze large amounts of quantitative and qualitative data.”

Elliott School alumni have been getting involved in the Arctic region as well. James DeHart, MA ’91, was recently appointed U.S. Coordinator for the Arctic Region for the State Department. DeHart is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, holds the rank of Minister Counselor and brings with him 28 years of significant experience in regional security, civilian-military cooperation, and international negotiations. He most recently served as Senior Advisor for Security Negotiations and Agreements where he led the negotiation of the status of forces, defense cooperation, and burden-sharing agreements worldwide.

According to DeHart, “the logic behind the new position of the U.S. Coordinator for the Arctic Region is to protect U.S. interests through a balanced approach to the region, giving attention to security, sustainable economic growth, and continued cooperation among Arctic States to strengthen the rules-based order. As a result of dramatic environmental changes, the Arctic region is becoming more accessible to actors old and new. Russia and China are increasingly active, generating new risks in this era of great power competition. My job is to advise the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of State, ensure we are well coordinated within the State Department, and work across the U.S. Government to align resources with our policy goals. I also work closely with governments in the region, as well as relevant organizations and local communities, to try to maintain the Arctic as an area of low tension and high standards so that it develops in a way that’s supportive of our interests and those who live there. Our office is very small – sparsely populated, like the Arctic! – so we are plenty busy.” 

It’s becoming more evident that future practitioners of international affairs will have to be well versed in questions of the environment and sustainability. The climate change affecting all of us is now most visible in the Arctic, where temperatures are rising faster than other parts of the planet. GW’s and the Elliott School’s faculty, students, and alumni are at the forefront, addressing these important issues, not only for the United States, but for the world.