Freeman Fellows In Asia

Last year, 19 Elliott School graduate students set off for various destinations across Asia to intern for NGOs, the U.S. Department of State, for-profit companies, social enterprise startups and humanitarian assistance organizations. All of these students had received Freeman Foundation grants that enabled their travel, supported living expenses and offered a modest stipend to finance their otherwise unpaid internships. The students applied through and received assistance from the Graduate Student Services (GSS) office throughout the application process.

Nickolas Sorensen, M.A. ’19, headed to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to work for an Australian-owned social enterprise called SHE Investments. There, he created workshops for micro-enterprises, applying for grants in order to help the businesses achieve growth and navigate the country’s bureaucracy. This is Sorensen’s fourth stint in Asia; he has previously worked in Nepal, Taiwan and India. After graduating, Nic plans to return to Asia for full-time work in humanitarian assistance.

For Breanna Bethel, M.A. ’19, Asia was a completely new experience. Having traveled extensively in Europe, she wanted to experience something less familiar and set her sights on China. She was hired by the State Department’s Shanghai office to help manage local contracts and administration for one of the largest diplomatic posts in China. Despite experiencing stronger culture shock than she had anticipated, Bethel still dramatically improved her spoken Chinese, learned the fine art of Chinese dumpling making and gave a presentation to Chinese nationals about the differences between rural and urban America. She also is eager to explore more of Asia and next hopes to travel to Japan.

The generous Freeman Foundation grants were enabled by Mansfield Freeman, a member of the original management group that started an insurance business in China at the turn of the 20th century. The fledgling business grew into the behemoth American International Group (AIG). Freeman also was a prominent scholar of Chinese philosophy and the founder of the Freeman Foundation, created to promote mutual cross-cultural understanding between Asia and the United States.

How I Spent My Summer

An Interview with Margaret Meiman, ESIA BA ’20

We caught up with Elliott School junior Maggie Meiman at the start of the semester to chat about her summer internship at the Atlantic Council, a major think tank focused on strengthening the transatlantic alliance. A New Jersey native, Maggie honed her critical-thinking skills debating global issues as a member of her high-school debate team. At the Elliott School, she is a double major in international affairs and economics. When not in class or writing papers, she is often engaged in service work with members of her professional foreign-service sorority, Delta Phi Epsilon. A stipend from GW’s Knowledge in Action Career Internship Fund made it possible for Maggie to accept this prestigious internship.

Tell us a bit about your work as a summer intern at the Atlantic Council.

I worked in the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, which focuses on democratization, economic development, and disinformation within the post-Soviet space.

What issues did you work on?

My research focused heavily on Kremlin-led disinformation and misinformation in various countries, as well as the legal remedies countries use to combat them. For example, I explored how Estonia’s situation differs from scenarios in Germany and Moldova.

Why was the Atlantic Council internship a good fit for you?

The internship combined my regional interest in Europe and Eurasia with my focus on economics.

A highlight from your experience?

An off-the-record roundtable we held with the former Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Kasyanov. This event was a chance for top Russia experts in D.C. to gather for a frank conversation about the current state of affairs in Russia, with an emphasis on predictions for the future.

A key takeaway?

I expanded my horizons, literally! I learned so much about Europe and Eurasia – especially about Russia, Moldova, and Georgia – that I just declared an additional concentration in this region. And I plan to use my enhanced regional knowledge and research skills when it comes time to write a thesis next year.

A point of pride from your internship?

My piece on the long term effects of the 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia was published on the Atlantic Council’s blog, the New Atlanticist.

A Message from the Dean…

Dear Elliott School students,

Welcome back! For those of you who are new to the Elliott School, we welcome you and look forward to getting to know you.

Over the past few days, I have been excited to see many of you return to campus. Elliott School students are some of the most talented, enthusiastic and service-oriented students I have met. And I am reminded that international affairs practitioners are a special breed. They are problem solvers, bridge-builders; they care deeply about the state of the world, and seek to find solutions to global challenges.

Many of you chose the Elliott School with the ultimate goal of a career in public service, possibly in the diplomatic corps or in the policy world. Others of you will find fulfillment in the private sector and, hopefully, use your financial success to the benefit of others. This week on Saturday, September 8, the George Washington University will host the tenth annual Freshman Day of Service and Convocation event. I encourage all of you to participate. Find a cause that you feel passionate about and give your time and energy in support of it. Gandhi once said that the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others.

You have the power to change the world. We are here to help you figure out how. Have a wonderful academic year and remember that you are part of an inclusive and diverse community of learners. We here to support you, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Good luck and welcome home!

Reuben E. Brigety II, PhD, U.S. Ambassador (ret.)
Dean, Elliott School of International Affairs


Elliott School 2018 Summer Reading List

Summer book list graphic - books under a beach umbrella

Want to brush up on international politics, history and the like this summer? Ditch the classroom and grab a couple of these books suggested by Elliott School faculty. We promise there won’t be any pop quizzes!

Between the World and Me coverMona Atia recommendsRevolution without Revolutionaries cover

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

“Excellent book about growing up Black in America and relevant to current racial discussions.”


Revolution Without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring by Asef Bayât

Excellent book for understanding the complexity of the recent events in the Middle East with rigor and nuance.”

A Good African Story coverJennifer Brinkerhoff recommends

A Good African Story: How a Small Company Built a Global Coffee Brand by Andrew Rugsdira

“We read this on our way to Uganda last month. We were scheduled to meet the author and visit his business. It’s actually a sad story: due to local politics (he ran against a member of the ruling party for leadership of the chamber of commerce), he was slapped with an impossible tax bill and had to sell his business to a competitor.

Still the book is a great read about the challenges of economic development and meeting local people’s needs through cultivating value added production in Africa. It’s a FAR more thoughtful critique of the development industry than Moyo’s book Dead Aid.”


Why Nations Fail cover

Maggie Chen recommends

Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson

“A great read for people interested in the role of institutions in growth and development!”


Radical Inclusion coverChris Kojm recommendsThe Reluctant Fundamentalist cover

Radical Inclusion: What the Post 9/11 World Should Have Taught Us About Leadership by Martin Dempsey and Ori Brafman

The former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs writes: “Fear of losing control in our fast-paced, complex, highly scrutinized environment is pushing us toward exclusion–exactly the wrong direction. Leaders should instead develop an instinct for inclusion.’


The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamad

A meditation on fear, exclusion and the immigrant experience.  After 9/11,  a Princeton graduate from Lahore who works on Wall Street is swept into a world of distrust, identity politics, and fundamentalism. 

Homo Deus cover


Harris Mylonas recommends

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari


Where they stand coverHenry Nau recommendsThe right stuff cover

Where They Stand: The American Presidents in the Eyes of Voters and Historians by Robert Merry

“It is an assessment of presidents and the history they have created from an awareness of how partisanship inevitably influences our views.” 


The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe

“To celebrate the recent passing of Tom Wolfe.”


Preventative Engagement coverJoanna Spear recommendsCase Histories cover

Preventative Engagement: How America Can Avoid War, Stay Strong and Keep the Peace by Paul Stares

“This is a clear-eyed look at the challenges that America faces and advocates an active strategy to deal with them before they become power-sapping crises.”


Case Histories by Kate Atkinson

“The first of a series featuring British anti-hero private investigator Jackson Brodie. In this book old and new cases of the missing (a child, several cats) come together in a complex, satisfying puzzle.”

When Things Dont Fall Apart coverRobert Weiner recommends

When Things Don’t Fall Apart: Global Financial Governance and Developmental Finance in an Age of Productive Incoherence by Ilene Grabel

“Economics and financial issues are at the core of many current challenges in international affairs, yet receive less attention in both scholarly and popular writing.  This book helps demystify aspects of global financial crises, including the East Asian crisis of the late 1990s, the Great Recession of the 2000s, and the role of the International Monetary Fund.” 


The Hacked World Order cover

Paul Williams recommends

The Hacked World Order by Adam Segal

“Segal provides an excellent overview and analysis of developments in cyberspace and their implications for international politics and US national security policies.” 




Myanmar's Enemy Within coverChristina Fink recommends

Myanmar’s Enemy Within: Buddhist Violence and the Making of a Muslim ‘Other’ by Francis Wade

A nuanced explanation of how the narrative of Muslims as “other” took hold in Myanmar, with vivid descriptions of the impact on people’s lives and relationships.

Elliott Students Plumb Global Issues: Presentations Showcase Research and Analysis

Global Capstone Project Presentations

Elliott School Capstone Project PresentationWhy does Switzerland, surrounded by countries targeted for Islamic State attacks, remain untouched? Is a rigorous security policy keeping Europe’s “neutral” country safe? The answer, according to a team of Elliott School graduate students, is a firm “no.” In fact, research gleaned by the students for their master’s degree capstone project indicates that Switzerland urgently needs to address its security weaknesses. 

“Switzerland does not have a robust anti-terrorist policy, and they don’t have a codified anti- terrorist law,” said Marzia Faraz, MA ’18. During her team’s presentation, “An Assessment of ISIS and Switzerland and Swiss Security Policy,” Faraz emphasized that while the landlocked country has not yet experienced an attack, it is vulnerable.

Faraz and teammates Michael Reilly, Moe Velazco, Nate Wallace and Miranda Wickham were among more than 200 Elliott graduate students who, over the course of two hours on April 27, commandeered attention in classrooms in the Elliott School and the School of Business. The event was the culmination of their year-long research projects focused on security policy, global communications, Asian studies, and international affairs in general.

Presentations ran the gamut from transnational security to global gender issues to energy policy. One team, for example, analyzed Russian disinformation after the 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris. Several others focused on energy policy in various nations — Africa, Brazil, Japan,and the United States.

The Global Capstone Program is the signature project for Elliott graduate students from the International Affairs, Security Policy Studies, Global Communication and Asian Studies programs. Among schools of international affairs, capstones, which require on-the-ground research, are an increasingly popular alternative to theses, said Jodi Vittori, Adjunct Professor of International Affairs, who served as advisor to five teams.

“Schools are moving away from graduate theses, which are considered less practical than intense study and team presentations,” Vittori said.

Around the World and Back with Alumnus David Solomon, BA ’08

David Solomon and President and Mrs. Macron

When French President Emmanuel Macron visited Washington on April 23-25, an Elliott School alumnus played an important role in ensuring a successful and smooth State Visit, the first of the Trump Administration. David Solomon, BA ’08, is a Senior Visits Officer in the Office of the Chief of Protocol at the U.S. Department of State. For this visit, David was the Lead Protocol Officer and served as the main point of contact between The White House and Élysée Palace for all logistical details concerning the trip. We recently caught up with David to learn more about where his career has taken him in the ten years since he graduated from the Elliott School.David Solomon in front of AirForce One

Briefly describe your career since graduating from the Elliott School.

I began working as an intern in the Office of the Chief of Protocol during my junior year at the Elliott School. After my internship concluded, I maintained contact with former colleagues and applied for a position after graduation when it became available. I initially served as a Protocol Gift Officer from 2009-12, handling all diplomatic gifts for the President, First Lady, Vice President and Secretary of State before transitioning to the Visits Division where I have been in a civil service position for the past seven years. I’ve had the pleasure to serve in the State Department under three Presidential Administrations and five Secretaries of State.

You just led the State Visit of His Excellency Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, and Mrs. Macron to the United States. What was your specific role? What was the most interesting aspect for you?

David Solomon with President Macron and Mrs. Macron

A State Visit is the highest honor that our nation can bestow on a foreign leader and often only a handful of individuals will receive this invitation during the course of a U.S. Presidential Administration. For the recent France State Visit, I was the Lead Protocol Officer and served as the main point of contact between the White House and Élysée Palace for all logistical details of the three-day visit. In addition to dozens of offices within the White House, there are several other government offices and agencies involved with such a high-level event, and it takes careful coordination to bring everyone together. As the primary liaison for the visiting delegation, I played a behind-the-scenes role of maintaining the master schedule, negotiating all logistical concerns between the White House and Élysée Palace and remained with the French delegation during their visit to Washington, D.C. to facilitate the State Visit from start to finish.

For me, this was especially significant as this was the second State Visit of the French Republic to the U.S. for which I have had the opportunity to serve in this capacity. I had established relationships with Élysée Palace from the previous State Visit of President Francois Hollande in 2014 and it was a pleasure to work with the French Republic again for such an important visit. In diplomacy, the development of relationships is especially important and I know that the success of the recent France State Visit to Washington will have a direct impact on the next visit of a U.S. delegation to Paris.

You have traveled to over 60 countries for your job. Which trips have been the most memorable and why?

As a native South Floridian, being a part of the planning team for the President and Mrs. Obama’s historic 2016 State Visit to Cuba was by far a highlight. I coordinated the delegation of 40 Members of Congress invited by the President to join him in Havana. This particular trip was quite challenging due to a lack of resources available in-country and working with a new foreign government for the first time under such a high-profile occasion. However, with excellent coordination by the new U.S. Embassy in Havana and the White House, the outcome was a great success.

Another first was the 2014 Presidential trip to Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). I served as the White House site officer for the President’s meeting with now-State Councilor Aung San Suu Kyi at her private home in Rangoon. It was the first direct dialogue between the two leaders and the first-ever visit of any sitting U.S. President to this Southeast Asian nation.David Solomon and State Councilor Aung San Suu Kyi

In February of this year, I also coordinated the Presidential Delegation led by the Vice President and Mrs. Pence to the Opening Ceremonies of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeong Chang, Korea. It was powerful to be part of an event of such global significance where you are not only representing the U.S. government, but also the spirit of the American people on the world stage.

David Solomon at the Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic Games

What drew you to the Elliott School?

I knew early on in high school that I wanted to pursue a career in diplomacy. I also understood that the best way to do this would be through first-hand experience in my intended field, so given its reputation, prestige, and location, the Elliott School was a perfect fit for me. The George Washington University is the reason I am where I am today.

What would you say to current Elliott School students who want to make a positive difference in the world?

Take action. You have to find ways to put your good ideas and resources to use. The Elliott School will provide you with an excellent education to prepare you for whatever field you choose but it is up to you to combine your educational foundation with your personal drive to achieve your goals. When you find something you are passionate about, maintain a strong alumni network, take advantage of all available items in your toolbox and combine that with your experience as a student in D.C., you can put yourself in a position to be the most effective agent of change in whatever field you choose.

French President Emmanuel Macron Stops By Campus – An #OnlyatGW moment

President Emmanuel Macron and Dean Reuben Brigety


French President Emmanuel Macron and Dean Reuben Brigety
French President Emmanuel Macron and Dean Reuben Brigety

In one of the most inspiring campus events to date, 1,000 lucky GW students, including an unprecedented number from the Elliott School, enthusiastically participated in an April 25 town hall with the President of the Republic of France, Emmanuel Macron. In the many preparatory site inspections with the French Embassy leading up to the event, the French Ambassador emphasized how important it was to Macron during his official state visit to engage with students in a free-wheeling Q&A focused town hall event.

As President Macron entered the university’s Smith Center, a hush came over the crowd. GW President Thomas LeBlanc and Elliott School Dean Reuben Brigety welcomed Macron, then turned the event over to the younger set.

Positioned center stage with students gathered all around, Macron — dapper and with shirt sleeves rolled up — took questions directly from students speaking into hand-held mics. Queries ranged from Macron’s perspective on the war in Syria to his view of global climate change. In a dramatic moment, the youthful French leader offered an impassioned plea, urging students to address this critical issue now and in the future.

In another memorable moment, the president encouraged students to speak truth to power. “You don’t always have to follow the rules,” he said, punctuating his point with strong language in the student vernacular. Friendly laughter followed.

While the event was slated to span 90 minutes, Macron remained center stage for a full two hours. Diplomatic, engaging, and energetic throughout, the president capped off his remarks by stepping over protective barricades to wade into a throng eager to snap selfies and shake his hand. As the president gracefully exited, he left 1,000 students immersed in the meaning of the commonly heard phrase “Only at GW.”

Elliott Site Visits — NYC Edition

Site Visit Days: New York City; All students gather for an introduction

To get the inside scoop on New York’s vast career options, 16 Elliott students recently spent three days in the Big Apple to visit major employers and hear about the personal career journeys of Elliott alumni. Held in March, the NYC site visits were a first-of-its-kind event, made possible through Dean’s Fund resources and organized by Elliott’s Office of Graduate Student Services. On the go from dawn past dusk, Elliott MA candidates discovered new ways to make use of their global affairs education. Visits included Deloitte, the UN Population Fund, Citi Public Sector Group, New York’s Federal Reserve Bank, and the Council on Foreign Relations. What were the takeaways? Gathered here are reflections from four students with diverse interests and career plans.


Site Visit Days: New York City; Students stand outside employer building
Elliott School graduate students visit a potential employer in New York City
Site Visit Days: New York City; All students gather for an introduction
16 Elliott School graduate students and graduate alumni spent 2 days in New York City visiting 7 different employers

Laura Batista, MA candidate, class of 2018

The trip helped me realize that not all career paths in international affairs are rooted in Washington, DC. The visit to Citi Group meant the most to me. Aside from the relevance of this employer to my current studies, international economic affairs, I also enjoyed listening to career advice from an Elliott alumna with Citi. Her story was inspiring, especially because most people whom I have met in the finance sector have been men with finance degrees. As a young woman venturing into the financial services sector, I felt a degree of respect and admiration and aspire to have a career as fulfilling as hers.

Alexander Bierman, MA candidate, class of 2019

I am in the Security Policy Studies program, concentrating on Asian regional security and cybersecurity. While I do not have a specific dream job in mind, I would like to leverage my knowledge of East Asia and the Chinese language. The NYC site visit trip introduced me to a wide range of career opportunities and affirmed my desire to move to the city one day. Hearing stories of how Elliott alumni’s paths led them to where they are in their careers today was fascinating. Most interesting to me was the visit to the Council on Foreign Relations. The building’s interior is beautiful and reminiscent of an early 20th-century mansion. We talked with the main editor of Foreign Affairs magazine, which I have been reading since high school. Learning about job opportunities at the Council made me certain I will apply for a position there after I graduate.

Grayson Shor, MA candidate, class of 2018

The NYC trip made me realize two things. First, the value of a degree from the Elliott School. This is something each employer we met highlighted multiple times. Second, how lucky I am to be an Elliott student – to be surrounded by federal agencies and organizations of all types from every corner of the globe. While New York is very diverse and exciting city, I realized there is likely no better place in the United States for me, someone who is passionate about international development and public service, to study and intern than DC. In short, learning about opportunities available to me in NYC, left me with a new appreciation for what I have access to in DC.

Trevor Tackett, MA candidate, class of 2018

One thing that stands out in my mind about the trip overall is the quality of connections I made with fellow classmates representing a diversity of Elliott academic programs. I’m thankful for these new friendships and look forward to seeing where their careers take them. Most meaningful to me was our visit to Citi Group. Citi was extremely prepared to present the company in a way that spoke to where I currently find myself – looking for different ways my skillset can impact the global community. One quote I remember from our time at Citi: “We can teach you how to be a banker, but we can’t teach you how to have a globalist mentality.” This told me that if I’m willing to continue working hard and learning, my Elliott School training will open doors to career fields I never previously considered.


New York City view

Elliott Alumna Fights for #MeTooNatSec Progress

Jenna Ben Yehuda from IWD speaking on a panel
Jenna Ben Yehuda from IWD speaking on a panel
Jenna Ben Yehuda speaks on an International Womens Day panel

It’s been four months since an open letter to the national security community known as #MeTooNatSec, authored by Elliott School alumna Jenna Ben-Yehuda (BA ‘02) and signed by more than 223 women who work in national security, was published. The letter calls on the national security community to take a comprehensive set of actions to reduce the incidence of sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace. The letter lays out specific recommendations, drawing a path for constructive engagement:

“This is not just a problem in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, newsrooms or Congress. It is everywhere. These abuses are born of imbalances of power and environments that permit such practices while silencing and shaming their survivors. Indeed, in our field, women comprise a small fraction of the senior leadership roles — 30% or fewer in most federal agencies.

In honor of the International Day of Women, Ben-Yehuda spoke at an Elliott School career panel focused on sexual harassment in the workplace. She described the way a culture of abuse can begin in an environment in which people are spoken over and excluded — sometimes unintentionally —  from meetings and the decision-making process. Ben-Yehuda emphasized the importance of having more women in top leadership roles and cited research studies showing that sound policies arise in inclusive environments.

In a recent Foreign Policy feature, Will State Miss its #MeToo Moment?, the article questions whether significant change can come, despite former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s implementation of mandatory sexual harassment training, in a “culture in which patriotism and pursuit of the diplomatic mission meant ignoring or downplaying complaints of harassment.”

Asked if the #MeTooNatSec letter would be submitted to the new Secretary of State, Ben-Yehuda responded: “We will continue to work all angles to pursue reform. It is important to ensure there’s continuity on the reform process, and it’s our goal to work with all leadership at the Department.”

Asked how she would rate progress on specific measures to reduce the incidence of sexual harassment or abuse in the workplace, Ben-Yehuda responded, “Some of these reforms take more time to take hold and implement than others. The key is continued forward momentum and an ongoing acknowledgement at all levels both that all employees are entitled to a workplace free from harassment and assault. We’re hopeful we’ll see transparency efforts take hold within the coming months. Transparency is critical to understanding the magnitude of the problem and identifying the best ways to address it.”

Add to the conversation on Twitter at #MeTooNatSec, @jenna_dc, @StateDept, #MeTooMilitary, @WomensFPNetwork.