2019 Student Study Abroad Photo Contest
1st Place: Raise your hand if you brush your teeth twice a day
My cross-cultural team and I were conducting a WASH education session at Bright Kids Primary School, the only school in our village. We asked, “Raise your hand if you brush your teeth twice a day,” and this boy shot up and gave us the biggest, sparkling smile to show us how well he brushes every day – Namunkanaga, Iganga District, Uganda – Julia Chodyla, B.A. ‘21
2nd Place: Small Girl, Big City Dreams
At the top of the highest building in South America, I saw a girl looking out at the Andes Mountains and down at the busy city of Santiago. I was reminded of the incredible potential every girl has and of the strenuous obstacles each one has to face within today’s machista society – Santiago, Chile – Kethelyn Claudia Papp, B.A. ‘20
3rd Place: Smoke Break
This photo was taken 12,000 feet above sea level in the Dongchuan Red Land near Kunming, Yunnan, China. I spent half a day on a bus traveling north of Kunming to see the Red Land. At about 12,000 feet above sea level, I encountered a local villager wearing traditional clothing taking a smoke break with his dog and sheep – Near Kunming, Yunnan, China – Steven Bernstein, B.A. ‘21
Honorable Mention: Peaceful Neighbor in the UNRefugee Camp
After spending most of my semester studying in Tel Aviv, I heard a lot about Palestine from the Israeli perspective. Many Israelis would argue that the Palestinian government didn’t want to make peace and that the Jewish people were entitled to the homeland that their ancestors lived upon. But after hearing so much of one side, I decided it was equally important to know the other side and therefore traveled into the West Bank to experience it for myself. One of the stops I made was at the UN Refugee Camp in Bethlehem where Palestinians were relocated after the establishment of the state of Israel. That is when I encountered Ahmed. He didn’t speak much English but knew the word “peace”. With the help of other neighbors to translate, we were able to speak a little more. He was born in the Refugee Camp and lived there his entire life. This conflict was all he had ever known. He noted that what the Palestinian people wanted most of all was peace and carried a very similar perspective to the Israeli one: that the Israeli government didn’t want to make peace and that the Palestinian people were entitled to the homeland that their ancestors lived upon. His perspective made me consider the similar narratives of Israelis and Palestinians rather than the division which often dominates their relationship – Bethlehem Palestine – Mikayla Brody, B.A. ‘19
Honorable Mention: Arthur’s Seat
This photo was taken from the top of Arthur’s Seat, a dormant volcano in Edinburgh’s Holyrood Park in Scotland, United Kingdom – Edinburgh, Scotland – Fidan Baycora, B.A. ‘20
Honorable Mention: “Hugs from Mom: Free”
This photo was taken at Quito’s LGBTQ+ pride parade just weeks after same-sex marriage was legalized in Ecuador. The streets were buzzing with excitement and positivity as thousands of people came to celebrate. The translation of the sign reads, “Hugs from mom: Free.” – Quito, Ecuador – Kyle DiPietrantonio, B.A. ‘21
After walking through gardens of medicinal plants (such as cacao and pataste) we were led by Don Alberto to a small ring of stones. At the center, the stones were stacked to hold one larger, very smooth rock that was used as the base for crushing corn. For centuries the Bribri women have used this method of oscillating a large rock back and forth atop a layer of corn to prepare it for tortillas and other foods. At a very young age girls are given small stones to practice with alongside their mothers and grandmothers, slowly moving to larger stones as they become stronger and more comfortable with the motion. In more recent times, boys have also started learning the technique to help preserve the tradition – Salitré, Costa Rica – Meara Seery, B.A. ‘22
Boy with stickers
Over the 2018 Spring break, I went to Nepal with 32 other classmates, and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. On this trip, I was lucky enough to go to Shiladevi School, located in Nagarkot, to teach the second and third graders English and maths. During the trip, I learned so many lessons. One lesson I learned is that nothing makes you feel better than seeing children playing and using everyday items such as pencils, markers, paper, bubbles, stamps, and stickers. We take these items for granted, but these students never take anything for granted. The kids are blowing bubbles with the bubble sets we bought them, and they are having a grand old time – Nagarkot, Nepal – Isabel Rauch, B.A. ‘23
Dictadura del amor
The cracked cement walls of this old house are a testament to the destructive earthquakes it has withstood while the bullet hole ridden doors and the pink graffiti remind those passing by of the brutal dictatorship which oppressed the country just a few decades ago – Santiago, Chile – Kethelyn Claudia Papp, B.A. ‘20
Three kids at an organization in Moshi, Tanzania where kids and young adults who have been unable to attend school due to domestic abuse can take classes and be part of a community. On this day, the group of 11 American students met up with about 15 students from Moshi. We were able to talk about how our daily lives differ and what expectations we have for our futures. This day was really humbling and put into perspective how much privilege we have in the US. – Moshi, Tanzania – Maia Brunel-Hamel, B.A. ‘23
Cheeky Boy
All of these photos were taken in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. My capstone partners and I explored local markets and bustling streets as we spent time speaking with locals and taking in the beauty all around us – Manila, Philippines – Lindsay Stanek, M.A. ‘19
Summit of Mount Fuji
Sunrise at 4:30 am at the summit. Mt Fuji is considered to be the mystical, cultural fountainhead of the Yamato people, who are considered to be the progenitors of the Japanese people. The torii gate is a Shinto symbol that signifies entering the spirit world – Mount Fuji, Japan – Nico Han, B.A. ‘19
Over the 2018 Spring break, I went to Nepal with 32 other classmates, and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. On this trip, I was lucky enough to go to Shiladevi School, located in Nagarkot, to teach the second and third graders English and maths. During the trip, I learned so many lessons. One lesson I learned is that nothing makes you feel better than seeing children playing and using everyday items such as pencils, markers, paper, bubbles, stamps, and stickers. We take these items for granted, but these students never take anything for granted. Four boys are fighting over a page of stickers to put on their faces or artwork or for keep sake. One boy completely covered his face with stickers – Nagarkot, Nepal – Isabel Rauch, B.A. ‘23
Get Lit
Walking around Osaka with my friend Laura led us to this restaurant – Osaka, Japan – McKenna Kestler, B.A. ‘20
Town Square
This was part of my group’s 2018-2019 capstone project where we traveled to Medellin, Columbia. We took a day trip to a series of lakes outside Medellin called Guatape where there was a colorful plaza in a nearby town square – El Penol, Colombia – Joseph Florino, M.A. ‘19
Views from My Window
My neighbors preparing food for celebration on their balcony as seen from my window. Their balcony was directly below my bedroom window and upon hearing the commotion of food being prepared below I snapped this photo. They were cooking to celebrate a Christian Orthodox holiday, common for the town; however, very much in contrast to the rest of Italy’s Catholic history. I lived in Acquaformosa, an Albanian commune in the mountains of Calabria. The rest of the celebration was held in our street with tables and chairs set up late enough to not expect any motor traffic – Acquaformosa, Italy – Erin Marsland, B.A. ‘22
Making Lavash
Every morning one of my neighbors that lived in my village wakes up to make traditional Armenian bread, lavash, for her entire family and surrounding neighbors – Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia – Meaghan Koudelka, M.A. ‘21
Motorcycles, the king of transportation in India, line up like horses of the 21st century, waiting as on lookers enjoy the bazaar and celebration of sunset festivities across from the India Gate – New Delhi, India – Jesse Altum, M.A. ‘19
Street Vendor
This photo was taken while collecting surveys of informal businesses in Da Nang for my capstone project. We were looking at how smart cities impact small businesses, especially those who may be digitally disadvantaged – Da Nang, Vietnam – Adam Sachs, M.A. ‘19
Goldfish lanterns
Goldfish lanterns from Yanai, Yamaguchi on display at a Japanese Culture Festival in Tokyo. The festival featured food and objects from every region in Japan – Tokyo, Japan – Sarah Yee, M.A. ‘20
Boi de Mamão
My students got to interact a local festival held each year in the city, called Boi de Mamão. This character is inspired from the whales that migrate to feed in the South of Brazil each year in July/August. I was hired by American Councils for International Education as their Resident Director. During my time there, I organized excursions for students to have more contact with Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian culture. I also worked closely with local staff to ensure they had a smooth time fitting into their new adoptive country – Santa Catarina, Brazil – Zachary Hamlin, M.A. ‘20
Guarding the WWII memorial
The guards at the WWII memorial beside the Red Square. The picture reflects the religion, culture and history of Russia and the memory of the Soviet Union. Due to the legacy of the Cold War, there are strong misunderstandings toward the Soviet Union and contemporary Russia. My picture intends to attract people’s attention while appreciating the beauty of Russia – Moscow, Russia – Yiqiang Gong, B.A. ‘20
Koremu co-op’s cornfield
Photos were taken in Kibungo and Kigali, Rwanda. I used Revolog 600nm 35mm film. Film is intentionally red-scale. Cornfield in one of Koremu’s cooperatives. Working with Yak Fair Trade Ltd, an agribusiness that works to improve the quality of maize and beans, this Koremu co-op grows corn and beans – Birenga, Rwanda – Christina Hernandez, M.A. ‘20
Lone Piper
While standing against the backdrop of the Three Sisters of Glencoe in the Scottish Highlands, a lone piper plays a traditional Scottish song. The pride that the Scottish have for their cultural heritage can be summarized in this single photo of a piper standing against the iconic backdrop of the Three Sisters — mountain ridges near the historic town of Glencoe in the Scottish Highlands. Learning about Scotland’s history and culture made up a very significant part of my study abroad experience and taught me an incredible amount about nationalism and the cultural identifiers that a nation chooses to use to represent itself. For the Scottish, bagpipes, kilts and traditional folk songs are all truly emblematic of their national identity and the more that I studied and understood these and other cultural symbols for myself, the more I appreciated their meaning too – Glencoe, Scotland – Ashton Brown, B.A. ‘20
From the Paris Catacombs, both my worst nightmare and coolest adventure. I watched a horror film about the infamous catacombs before I visited and was terrified so I was very careful to take incredible photos to spare myself a second visit. I lived in Europe for two years in high school through the military and spent a lot of time traveling while we were stationed abroad. During my freshman year I was in a GW program in Paris so I was able to continue my growing interest in both travel and photography. In this photo, I was in a foreign place but photography was always a constant presence – Paris, France – Grace Turner, B.A. ‘22
Painter re-painting Casa Batlló
Gaudi’s work Casa Batlló was under construction in 2019 when we visited. Here is a painter painting the wall of this masterpiece at this historical moment – Barcelona, Spain – Adeline Chen, B.A. ‘20
In spring each year, Taiwan erupts with colorful festivals honoring Mazu, a deity known as the goddess of the sea or the queen of heaven. The celebrations take place during the third month of the lunar calendar and peak on the 23rd day of that month, Mazu’s birthday. Each year, Chao-Tian Temple in Beigang Township in southern Taiwan draws a large number of pilgrims on Mazu’s birthday. This gathering is so popular that it has been designated as a national-level folk activity. In 2019 I joined the festivities to witness first hand Mazu’s birthday celebration at the Chao-Tian Began temple. I was amazed by the non-stop hours of fireworks, dancers dressed in traditional warrior uniforms and acts of bravery as designated volunteers allowed the crowd to throw fireworks at them. Within a few hours of attending, I was pulled in by a group of locals to help them carry a large wooden cart with a Mazu statue on it – as fireworks were thrown all around us! – Beigang Township, Taiwan – Greyson Shor, M.A. ‘19
Colonia de Sacramento
Colonia is the oldest town in Uruguay. This photo was taken outside of a small art display, of which the majority of the paintings were of women and the indigenous slave culture – Colonia de Sacramento, Uruguay – Carly Soll, B.A. ‘21
Making Calligraphy
In Japanese, “omotenashi” is the term for the culture of hospitality, a vital aspect of Japanese culture. There is no better word to describe the experience of the members of the George Washington University Kakehashi Project experienced while in Japan. In every part of our research trip—from visiting the JAXA Space Agency headquarters, learning about Japanese rocketry at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, to cooking and making calligraphy with a Japanese host family in Akiōta in Hiroshima Prefecture, we found ourselves in awe of how deeply “omotenashi” permeated throughout the attitudes and actions of our hosts – Tokyo, Japan – Luc Riesbeck, M.A. ‘20
Long Day
This cat cracks me up. I’m exploring general life and the Alhambra but this cat is just done with it – Granada, Spain – McKenna Kestler, B.A. ‘20
The icon of Singapore
This image highlights the scenic beauty of the city amidst the growing tensions around the country. It shows the calmness despite turmoil happening in cities around the world. Living in Singapore for five months has exposed me to a wide array of cultures, people and experiences. I have grown and developed in the field of international relations and legal administration and have pathed goals and dreams that I want to attain. Similar to how Singapore as a small, Southeast Asian country has developed in various aspects, I owe it to this country that has helped me develop, which will help me attain the visions I have set for myself – Marina Bay Sands, Singapore – Anushka Kapahi, M.A. ‘19
Elliott School 2018 Summer Reading List
Want to brush up on international politics, history and the like this summer? Ditch the classroom and grab a couple of these books suggested by Elliott School faculty. We promise there won’t be any pop quizzes!
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
“Excellent book about growing up Black in America and relevant to current racial discussions.”
Revolution Without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring by Asef Bayât
“Excellent book for understanding the complexity of the recent events in the Middle East with rigor and nuance.”
Jennifer Brinkerhoff recommends
A Good African Story: How a Small Company Built a Global Coffee Brand by Andrew Rugsdira
“We read this on our way to Uganda last month. We were scheduled to meet the author and visit his business. It’s actually a sad story: due to local politics (he ran against a member of the ruling party for leadership of the chamber of commerce), he was slapped with an impossible tax bill and had to sell his business to a competitor.
Still the book is a great read about the challenges of economic development and meeting local people’s needs through cultivating value added production in Africa. It’s a FAR more thoughtful critique of the development industry than Moyo’s book Dead Aid.”
Maggie Chen recommends
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson
“A great read for people interested in the role of institutions in growth and development!”
Radical Inclusion: What the Post 9/11 World Should Have Taught Us About Leadership by Martin Dempsey and Ori Brafman
The former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs writes: “Fear of losing control in our fast-paced, complex, highly scrutinized environment is pushing us toward exclusion–exactly the wrong direction. Leaders should instead develop an instinct for inclusion.’
The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamad
A meditation on fear, exclusion and the immigrant experience. After 9/11, a Princeton graduate from Lahore who works on Wall Street is swept into a world of distrust, identity politics, and fundamentalism.
Harris Mylonas recommends
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari
Where They Stand: The American Presidents in the Eyes of Voters and Historians by Robert Merry
“It is an assessment of presidents and the history they have created from an awareness of how partisanship inevitably influences our views.”
The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe
“To celebrate the recent passing of Tom Wolfe.”
Preventative Engagement: How America Can Avoid War, Stay Strong and Keep the Peace by Paul Stares
“This is a clear-eyed look at the challenges that America faces and advocates an active strategy to deal with them before they become power-sapping crises.”
Case Histories by Kate Atkinson
“The first of a series featuring British anti-hero private investigator Jackson Brodie. In this book old and new cases of the missing (a child, several cats) come together in a complex, satisfying puzzle.”
When Things Don’t Fall Apart: Global Financial Governance and Developmental Finance in an Age of Productive Incoherence by Ilene Grabel
“Economics and financial issues are at the core of many current challenges in international affairs, yet receive less attention in both scholarly and popular writing. This book helps demystify aspects of global financial crises, including the East Asian crisis of the late 1990s, the Great Recession of the 2000s, and the role of the International Monetary Fund.”
Paul Williams recommends
The Hacked World Order by Adam Segal
“Segal provides an excellent overview and analysis of developments in cyberspace and their implications for international politics and US national security policies.”
Myanmar’s Enemy Within: Buddhist Violence and the Making of a Muslim ‘Other’ by Francis Wade
A nuanced explanation of how the narrative of Muslims as “other” took hold in Myanmar, with vivid descriptions of the impact on people’s lives and relationships.
Elliott Site Visits — NYC Edition
To get the inside scoop on New York’s vast career options, 16 Elliott students recently spent three days in the Big Apple to visit major employers and hear about the personal career journeys of Elliott alumni. Held in March, the NYC site visits were a first-of-its-kind event, made possible through Dean’s Fund resources and organized by Elliott’s Office of Graduate Student Services. On the go from dawn past dusk, Elliott MA candidates discovered new ways to make use of their global affairs education. Visits included Deloitte, the UN Population Fund, Citi Public Sector Group, New York’s Federal Reserve Bank, and the Council on Foreign Relations. What were the takeaways? Gathered here are reflections from four students with diverse interests and career plans.

Laura Batista, MA candidate, class of 2018
The trip helped me realize that not all career paths in international affairs are rooted in Washington, DC. The visit to Citi Group meant the most to me. Aside from the relevance of this employer to my current studies, international economic affairs, I also enjoyed listening to career advice from an Elliott alumna with Citi. Her story was inspiring, especially because most people whom I have met in the finance sector have been men with finance degrees. As a young woman venturing into the financial services sector, I felt a degree of respect and admiration and aspire to have a career as fulfilling as hers.
Alexander Bierman, MA candidate, class of 2019
I am in the Security Policy Studies program, concentrating on Asian regional security and cybersecurity. While I do not have a specific dream job in mind, I would like to leverage my knowledge of East Asia and the Chinese language. The NYC site visit trip introduced me to a wide range of career opportunities and affirmed my desire to move to the city one day. Hearing stories of how Elliott alumni’s paths led them to where they are in their careers today was fascinating. Most interesting to me was the visit to the Council on Foreign Relations. The building’s interior is beautiful and reminiscent of an early 20th-century mansion. We talked with the main editor of Foreign Affairs magazine, which I have been reading since high school. Learning about job opportunities at the Council made me certain I will apply for a position there after I graduate.
Grayson Shor, MA candidate, class of 2018
The NYC trip made me realize two things. First, the value of a degree from the Elliott School. This is something each employer we met highlighted multiple times. Second, how lucky I am to be an Elliott student – to be surrounded by federal agencies and organizations of all types from every corner of the globe. While New York is very diverse and exciting city, I realized there is likely no better place in the United States for me, someone who is passionate about international development and public service, to study and intern than DC. In short, learning about opportunities available to me in NYC, left me with a new appreciation for what I have access to in DC.
Trevor Tackett, MA candidate, class of 2018
One thing that stands out in my mind about the trip overall is the quality of connections I made with fellow classmates representing a diversity of Elliott academic programs. I’m thankful for these new friendships and look forward to seeing where their careers take them. Most meaningful to me was our visit to Citi Group. Citi was extremely prepared to present the company in a way that spoke to where I currently find myself – looking for different ways my skillset can impact the global community. One quote I remember from our time at Citi: “We can teach you how to be a banker, but we can’t teach you how to have a globalist mentality.” This told me that if I’m willing to continue working hard and learning, my Elliott School training will open doors to career fields I never previously considered.
Elliott Alumna Fights for #MeTooNatSec Progress

It’s been four months since an open letter to the national security community known as #MeTooNatSec, authored by Elliott School alumna Jenna Ben-Yehuda (BA ‘02) and signed by more than 223 women who work in national security, was published. The letter calls on the national security community to take a comprehensive set of actions to reduce the incidence of sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace. The letter lays out specific recommendations, drawing a path for constructive engagement:
“This is not just a problem in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, newsrooms or Congress. It is everywhere. These abuses are born of imbalances of power and environments that permit such practices while silencing and shaming their survivors. Indeed, in our field, women comprise a small fraction of the senior leadership roles — 30% or fewer in most federal agencies.”
In honor of the International Day of Women, Ben-Yehuda spoke at an Elliott School career panel focused on sexual harassment in the workplace. She described the way a culture of abuse can begin in an environment in which people are spoken over and excluded — sometimes unintentionally — from meetings and the decision-making process. Ben-Yehuda emphasized the importance of having more women in top leadership roles and cited research studies showing that sound policies arise in inclusive environments.
In a recent Foreign Policy feature, Will State Miss its #MeToo Moment?, the article questions whether significant change can come, despite former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s implementation of mandatory sexual harassment training, in a “culture in which patriotism and pursuit of the diplomatic mission meant ignoring or downplaying complaints of harassment.”
Asked if the #MeTooNatSec letter would be submitted to the new Secretary of State, Ben-Yehuda responded: “We will continue to work all angles to pursue reform. It is important to ensure there’s continuity on the reform process, and it’s our goal to work with all leadership at the Department.”
Asked how she would rate progress on specific measures to reduce the incidence of sexual harassment or abuse in the workplace, Ben-Yehuda responded, “Some of these reforms take more time to take hold and implement than others. The key is continued forward momentum and an ongoing acknowledgement at all levels both that all employees are entitled to a workplace free from harassment and assault. We’re hopeful we’ll see transparency efforts take hold within the coming months. Transparency is critical to understanding the magnitude of the problem and identifying the best ways to address it.”
Add to the conversation on Twitter at #MeTooNatSec, @jenna_dc, @StateDept, #MeTooMilitary, @WomensFPNetwork.
New Director of Elliott School’s Institute for African Studies Named
The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs announced the selection of Jennifer Cooke as the new director to lead the Elliott School’s Institute for African Studies. Cooke is formerly director of the Africa Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), where she led research and analysis on political, economic, and security dynamics in Africa. She is a frequent writer and lecturer on U.S.-Africa policy and provides briefings, testimony, and policy recommendations to U.S. policymakers, the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. military.
“Jennifer Cooke’s experience in government, her focus on human rights issues, and her policy expertise in the political and economic developments in Africa make her the ideal person to lead the Institute for African Studies,” said Reuben Brigety, dean of the Elliott School of International Affairs. “I am confident that she will build the institute into a top-tier resource for academic research and public policy discourse on Africa.”
Cooke is a frequent commentator in print, on radio, and on television, and she has testified before Congress on Boko Haram in Nigeria, the political crisis in Côte d’Ivoire, and the African Union. She travels widely in Africa and has been an election observer in Sierra Leone, Mali, Nigeria, and Ghana. Growing up, she lived in Côte d’Ivoire and the Central African Republic, as well as Belgium, Italy, and Canada. She holds an M.A. in African studies and international economics from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and a B.A. in government, magna cum laude, from Harvard University.
Acting interim director, Ambassador Liberata Mulamula, will remain on with the institute as its Associate Director and continue work on her research on political transitions and women’s’ leadership in Africa, especially in post-conflict countries.
The Institute for African Studies is also pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Yolande Bouka as the new Visiting Assistant Professor of African Studies for the upcoming 2018 – 2019 academic year.
Launched in 2016, the Institute for African Studies has rapidly become a university-wide hub for GW students and faculty with shared interests in the world’s second largest continent. Because of Africa’s diverse geo-political landscape – which spans nearly every major global issue, writ large – the institute also attracts faculty and students focused on particular global themes, such as sustainable development, conflict and security, and governance. Even more broadly, the institute draws high-level diplomats and policymakers from around the world, who gather at the Elliott School to share perspectives. Host to some 50 events in the past year alone, the institute fills a longtime gap in the Washington, D.C., area.
Pathways to Success: Career Accomplishments of Elliott School Women
The Elliott School marked International Women’s Week with a speaker series featuring distinguished alumnae, called Pathways to Success: Career Accomplishments of Elliott School Women. The featured panelists ranged from recent graduates to seasoned professionals, and work for powerful institutions including the State Department, the World Bank, and the White House. They are passionate about issues like stopping modern day slavery, ending poverty, advocating for immigration and human rights, and of course, advancing gender equality globally.
The conversation that ensued was an up-close and personal look into how successful careers in international affairs emerge. One thing became clear — there are many pathways to career satisfaction and success. All the women described turning points in their careers that were as full of serendipity as of hard work; trajectories did not always follow a straight line.
Other takeaways from their collective wisdom were the importance of taking advantage of faculty mentors and the career services office. In many cases, these resources provided important routes to internships that led to jobs and other opportunities. Language fluency was cited by many as not only opening doors to career opportunities but opening windows into new worlds that deepened their commitment to international affairs.
In the wake of the #MeToo movement, the conversation moved on to tips for dealing with sexism and discrimination in the workplace. One panelist, the author of the #MeTooNatSec letter, signed by over 200 international affairs professionals, called for the international affairs community to address the serious gender imbalances in senior leadership positions.
The women spoke sagely of the spectrum of workplace issues that often start in a permissive environment where people are spoken over, shut out of meetings, and shut out of the decision making process — problems born out of an imbalance of power. The panelists emphasized the importance of remaining professional, being prepared with a toolbox of responses for managing workplace situations such as scripting difficult conversations, and above all surrounding yourself with people who can support you to reach your goals.
Pathways to Success: Career Accomplishments of Elliott School Women featured the following distinguished Elliott alumnae:
Rumana Ahmed, BA ’11, former Senior Advisor to the Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Global Engagement, White House
Christie Arendt, MA ’06, PhD ’17, Global Affairs Section Head, U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor; Elliott School professorial lecturer;
Andrea Barton Grote, MA ’10, Senior Program Manager, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative;
Jenna Ben-Yehuda, BA ’02, Vice President, Wittenberg Weiner Consulting; Founder; Women’s Foreign Policy Network; Elliott School adjunct professor;
Candice Bennett, BA ’98, MA ’03, President, Candice Bennett & Associates; Director of Development, Good Shepherd Housing & Family Services; former candidate for local office;
Sanola Daley Nelson, MA ’08, Women’s Employment Senior Expert Consultant, International Finance Corporation; former Advisor, Diversity & Inclusion, Inter-American Development Bank;
Barbara DeRosa-Joynt, BA ’90, MIPP ’05, Division Chief for Biodiversity, U.S. Department of State;
Davina Durgana, BA ’10, Senior Statistician and Report Co-Author, Walk Free Foundation’s Global Slavery Index; Assistant Professor and Senior Practitioner Faculty, SIT Graduate Institute;
Kathy John, MIPP ’09, President, 2KJohn Associates, Immigration and Human Rights Consulting; former Associate General Counsel and Fraud Prevention Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review
Maura K. Leary, MA ’11, Communications Lead, Poverty and Equity Global Practice, World Bank Group
International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of all women. These events were sponsored by The Elliott School of International Affairs; the Gender Equality Initiative in International Affairs; the Leadership, Ethics, and Practice Initiative; Graduate Student Services; and GW’s Global Women’s Institute.
The KAKEHASHI Project: Elliott Students Build Bridges with Japan
To better understand Japan’s culture, business, and trade relationships with the U.S., a group of nine Elliott School graduate students selected through a competitive process are headed to Japan to participate in a people-to-people exchange program over spring break from March 10-17. The seven-day trip is fully funded by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During their trip, the students will attend lectures and discussions with government agencies, employees, business leaders, and think tank researchers about Japan’s trade policies and investment ties with the United States.
Another group of undergraduates representing students from across GW are going on a similar exchange also through the auspices of the Kakehashi Project. The undergraduate experience will focus on a cultural and historical introduction to Japan and will include a homestay with a local family.
Emily Yoder, one of the M.A. participants, has never been to Japan nor does she speak the language. A fan of Japanese pop culture, Yoder said one of her motivations for applying to the program was to “finally see what the culture of Japan is really like, as opposed to how it is conveyed to us in the U.S.”
Christine Kobza mentioned another common theme among the students as to what they are most looking forward to, “the food – especially sushi.”
While not overly anxious about his upcoming travel, Aram Mohammadi said that this would be his first experience not being able to read the words written on signs and street corners. The others nodded in agreement.
For both Zoe Yousik and Joseph Conrad, this will be their second trip to Japan.
When asked what surprised them most about their first experience in the country, Yousik responded, “it was more beautiful than I had imagined, more natural. The Japanese aesthetic of beauty is so different to ours.”
Conrad agreed, adding “the Hanami (cherry-blossom viewing) experience in Tokyo is more quiet and peaceful than you could imagine for being such a massive city.” Both students are eager to return and gain more insights into Japan’s famously distinctive society. For all of them, spring break can’t come soon enough.
David Shambaugh Speaks Out On China
Professor David Shambaugh is an internationally recognized authority on contemporary China and the international relations of Asia, with a strong interest in the European Union and transatlantic issues. He is also a prolific author, having published more than 30 books and 300 articles. We asked him to share his insights on the recent significant political developments in China.
Q: As a well-known and highly regarded China expert, do you agree with the US Department of Defense’s new strategy report claiming that China’s fast-growing technological and military capabilities make it a greater threat to America than terrorism?
A: Yes I do. Of course, they are both significant threats to American security. Terrorism is always a near-term threat, while China is more of a long-term potential threat. But China’s military capabilities are rapidly improving–and they already challenge US allies in the Western Pacific, as well as the ability of the US Navy and other military forces to operate in that theater. This is only going to increase over time.
Q: What is your opinion of China’s plans to remove presidential term limits from its constitution, allowing President Xi Jinping to stay on beyond his second term, which ends in 2023? What impact will the decision have on U.S. foreign policy in regards to China?
A: Well, this is another indication of Xi Jinping’s concentration of power in himself and continuing rollback of norms, regulations, and institutions inaugurated by Deng Xiaoping nearly four decades ago and rigorously adhered to since then. This is not good for the Chinese political system, and in my view weakens it. For the United States, and all of China’s other interlocutors, this means we will be dealing with Xi Jinping for a very long time to come–unless, he encounters health difficulties or is overthrown. Xi Jinping is a very powerful and strong leader for China, and he has a clear vision of how he wants to “make China strong again.” China is going to increasingly challenge the United States across the globe, and we had better have a sensible strategy to deal with it.
Q: In addition to being a GW faculty member, you are also a GW alumnus, having received your BA in 1977 from the Elliott School’s predecessor, the School of Public and International Affairs. What was the university like when you were a student here and how has it changed?
A: There has certainly been a lot of change in the forty years since I was an undergraduate on campus. The physical transformation of buildings and the classrooms has been a noticeable improvement. New institutions have also appeared–such as the Elliott School–while some have disappeared, such as the Institute of Sino-Soviet Studies. The establishment of the Elliott School, and its rising international reputation, has truly been a major accomplishment. Also, in those years, the university was almost totally a commuter university with little on-campus life — my impression is that there is much better campus life for undergraduates nowadays (including on Mount Vernon campus). Academically, the university was always good, but has gotten much better. The faculty hires are now much more rigorous, and we are attracting top scholars. All in all, as I walk across campus, I frequently reflect on the growth and changes in the university since I was an undergraduate exactly four decades ago.
Global Capstone Program: Out of the classroom, into the field
Experience is the best teacher, and Elliott students immerse themselves in skills-based training, putting classroom learning to the test through internships and fieldwork. For graduate students, real-life learning experience peaks in the year-long Global Capstone Program, which requires MA candidates to identify and tackle some of the most pressing international issues of our day.
In teams, students zero in on a challenge, design a research plan, and select a real-world client partner – these have included outfits such as the International Rescue Committee, World Bank Group, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, and USAID. The result? A viable policy solution, both written and presented at a major conference each April.
“The most rewarding aspect was realizing we were conducting novel research on an issue that each of us cared about very much,” said Lili Martinez, MA ’17, who traveled to Berlin to talk with Syrian refugees there. “Further, we felt we were encouraging credible changes through our recommendations – changes that might positively affect the lives of refugees and displaced people.”
Grants for this kind of international travel are awarded through a highly competitive process. In 2017, for example, 123 students received awards for research in far-flung spots from Colombia to Vietnam.
Many such grants are made possible by members of the extended Elliott community. Recently, Wes Callender, ESIA BA ’76, made a major commitment to the program and explained why.
“If the capstone project provides a career or personal-life enriching experience for a few of the students, I will consider the funding a success. I like to see these young, aspiring professionals have opportunities that I never had,” Mr. Callender said.
Mr. Callender has devoted his career to work in the public and non-profit sectors. He actively advocates for international development and human rights causes, with a particular interest in grassroots movements across Central America. Here, he has directly observed the “critical need for internationally-minded professionals” with firm grounding in practice.
Through its Global Capstone Program, the Elliott School is doing its share to create this important cadre of professionals, educating emerging leaders and providing them with the skills to shape both their careers and a brighter future for the world around us.