GW Elliott to Honor Retiring Professor Edward “Skip” Gnehm

Shortly after noon on March 2, 1991, an honor guard in Kuwait City greeted Ambassador Edward “Skip” Gnehm Jr., newly appointed to head the United States’ diplomatic mission in Kuwait. The Gulf War had ended less than a week earlier. Before the new ambassador could step foot in the embassy, it had to be thoroughly searched for land mines and other weaponry.

Now the hard work would begin. The conflict and the preceding Iraqi occupation of Kuwait had ravaged the country. It was up to Ambassador Gnehm to work side by side with Kuwaiti leaders and citizens to rebuild the nation. This he did, establishing close ties in the country.

Today, Ambassador Gnehm is known on the GW campus as Professor Gnehm. Since joining the GW Elliott faculty in 2004, he has taught and mentored countless students and held leadership positions at the Elliott School and across the university. He has also served on the university’s Board of Trustees.

Gnehm is, in fact, a GW alumnus himself, having earned both his undergraduate and graduate degrees at the Elliott School. GW has recognized his service to the nation and to the university with many awards, including the President’s Medal. These round out national and international awards that pay tribute to Gnehm’s extraordinary service to his nation and in the Middle East.

Gnehm will soon open a new chapter in a long and storied career. In June 2022, he will retire from academia to focus on a book project of his own and spend time with family and friends. GW Elliott is sending him off with an honor guard of its own, celebrating Gnehm’s distinguished career by establishing a fellowship in his name.

In the words of Alyssa Ayres, dean of the Elliott School: “To honor Skip’s tremendous contribution to GW and his dedication to his students, the GW Elliott School of International Affairs is embarking on a major philanthropic initiative to [establish] the Ambassador Edward “Skip” Gnehm Jr. Fellowship.”

Over the next few months, we look forward to celebrating Gnehm’s many accomplishments with the GW and Elliott communities. You can learn more online about the fellowship initiative and ways you can participate.

6 Replies to “GW Elliott to Honor Retiring Professor Edward “Skip” Gnehm”

  1. One of the very best I encountered in 30 yrs in the US Foreign Service. I will never forget your superb leadership and management and also for taking the time to mentor. Godspeed Mr Ambassador

  2. Well done, well deserved and may God continue to bless your efforts beyond GWU.

    Skip, you are a great friend of Australia. A great personal friend. And a great example of the good that the United States can do in the world.

  3. Skip, we were in grammar school together and were nerd friends; however, one thing I remember your saying was, “When I grow up, I want to be an ambassador to another country!” You made it & then some!! Later after we both left Albany, our mothers met and became friends. Your mother would give my mother your newspaper clippings to send to me.
    I have always been proud of you and all you have done for my country and its friends. God loves you & I do, too!!!

  4. Skip,Cecil Fowler here. Congratulations on your retirement. You have accomplished a great deal since having left the class of 62. Good luck with your book. Regards.

  5. Skip, this is Ruby Woodward Werts. I just talked to someone who knows your mother. I decided to look you up and see if you were still teaching.
    I have been so proud of all of your accomplishments all over the world and have told stories about you many times to students.
    You deserve your retirement!
    I look forward to getting a copy of your book.

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